Oh girl! You are doing a great job!! Don’t forget that … don’t stop believing that! There is this terrible lie rolling around your head and your heart. It repeats like a skipped record, “You are not enough.” Call it what it is—NOT TRUE!
Your children did not end up with you by happenstance or chance—God chose YOU to be their mother! That means, YOU are who they need.
Sometimes you’re going to fail. It’s okay, because more often then not you’ll do it right (or at least good enough). Accept the truth you can’t do it all. Choose to do what really matters each day. Some days that might be the laundry—clean underwear does matter, after all. But some days, it won’t.
Don’t think busy moms are better moms. They aren’t! But don’t judge those busy moms, either. Because we never, ever love each other well when we are judging.
You be you. It’s enough.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14
How do you struggle to accept that you are enough?
My latest book, Parenting from the Overflow, is now available.
Great post. Whether we’re moms with kids at home, or moms with kids grown and on their own, we are doing a good job. God did give us our kids and grandkids for a reason. My struggle is with accepting how I advance (I call it lack of movement) through the grief process. Especially when I know someone who seems to be doing so much better at it, in much less time. I have to remember we all have different relationships with those we love, and we all deal with their leaving in a different way. It’s important to remember, I am moving ahead and God’s ok with progress (slight as it may seem to me.)
“I am moving ahead and God’s ok with progress.”
YES!! Such truth … and grace there.
Just gave a talk to a group of moms about “Staying Committed” on Tuesday, and I wish I would have thought to say to them what you said in this post. It’s a great addition to the topic for sure, and I plan on linking to it in my series stemming from that talk. The series starts Friday & goes for 5 Fridays. Not sure what day I will pit it in, but I definitely plan to include it.
Kari Scare recently posted…Sunday Reflections – The Perfect Blend
Thank you, Kari. Be sure to let me know when you do your series and I’ll share it on FB & Twitter. I am looking forward to reading it.
Hi Teri, I love the encouragement. I completely agree with what you say that we don’t love when we judge. I wonder why so many women judge themselves? When that judging does nothing but make them feel not worthy enough 🙁