I’ve been thinking lately about the power of words. (I suppose writing three books in six months can cause one to do that!) Words are powerful. Scripture says,
“The lips of the godly speak helpful words but the mouth of the wicked speaks perverse words” (Proverbs 10:32).
Jesus said it this way,
“A good person produces good deeds from a good heart, and an evil person produces evil deeds from an evil heart. Whatever is in your heart determines what you say” (Luke 6:45 NLT, emphasis added).
Whatever is in your heart will determine what you will say. Powerful truth, isn’t it? The simple reality is: We all speak from our hearts. We can’t help it.
Think back over the past 24 hours … What can you remember that you have said? What was your tone when you spoke? What did your nonverbals communicate?
Maybe you need a speaking time out. As women we often feel as though we carry the weight of the world, that everything running smoothly depends on us. We shoulder the burden of expectations and reality and bear down under the weight of our insecurities and fears. And sometimes the result of all of those is simply that our hearts grow numb. We’re too tired, stressed, and frustrated to give one more word of encouragement, one more minute of time, one more ounce of ourselves.
It happens. To all of us.
If you’re in that place—just “give out,” as my grandmother would say—remember this: You are not alone! I encourage you to carve out a minute or two or ten or forty, whatever you can, and offer your heart back to the One who has the power to transform. Maybe you need some time in the Word, maybe you just need a nap. Maybe you need both.
Today, I encourage you to speak from your heart … and if your heart is empty and drained, go to The Source for refilling. Turn off the computer and open up your Bible. Here’s a great place to start:
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16
Read, soak, sing, pray … marinate your heart in the Word today so that what you speak from your heart will reflect the love of Christ in you.
image via freedigitalphotos.net
Thank you for that reminder. God bless you.
Wonderful post and quotes. “Marinate your heart in the Word….” is a phrase I will remember
“Whatever is in your heart will determine what you will say.” ~ My how convicting this simple statement is. Thank you for this, TLU. Just thank you!
Love you girl! xo
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