Moments to Treasure

Life is precious.

But sometimes we lose sight of how fragile life truly is.

This past weekend, my cousin, who would have been 45 this November, passed away unexpectedly in her sleep.   This week, while others are celebrating with fireworks and cook-outs, my aunt will be planning the funeral of her firstborn child.  While others are boating on a lake somewhere, my cousin’s daughter will be facing the reality of life without her mother in it.    While many are gathering with family for holiday festivities, my cousins will be gathering for the funeral of their sister.

It seems strange to me, to think of one of my cousins being gone.  Jeannie was the oldest of the Reagan cousins – the ringleader of all the fun we had.  When I think of her I remember a smile that filled her whole face and a laugh that took over whatever room she was in.  Moments like this remind me just how precarious our existence is.  How every breath is a gift and every day is a treasure.

the girl and her papa

my girl and my Daddy enjoying the cool after the rain

We’re spending the week with my parents in Missouri.  We’ll be wandering down to Tom Sawyer Days in Hannibal and looking for the perfect place along the Mississippi River to watch the fireworks.  I’m sure there will be countless games of Boogle and Uno.  We’ll watch the dogs chase each other and laugh at their antics.   As we sit around the table to eat and gather hands to pray, I’m sure we’ll be uttering an extra prayer of thanks for moments like this … moments to treasure.

What moments have you been treasuring lately?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. oh TeriLynne I am SO very sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family tons of hugs and prayers for peace. You words ring so very true – every moment is a gift and I feel guilty when I forget that – even for a moment, because a moment is all it takes.

    hugs xox

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