When I first felt the nudge to write Prayers from the Pews, I asked myself this question:
Is there really a need for another book about church?
Quickly I answered myself with a resounding, “No!”
We don’t need another book about church, we’ve got the best book on church readily available – the Bible.
So, why write Prayers from the Pews? Why spend months crafting words into sentences and thoughts into prayers on a topic that can be incredibly volatile?
Here’s my answer:
My book is not about the church. At least not in the way you might think. It’s not another treatise on “doing church” nor it is a emotional manipulation of Scripture to create controversy and drama. I haven’t written the definitive book on the modern church. In fact, this might just be the most basic book about church you will ever read. Prayers from the Pews is a simple invitation to pray for your faith family, whatever form it takes, using Acts as a guide.
Ten short chapters with titles like “I’m Just Not Sure about The Church Sometimes” and “The Perfect Church” are not deep theological discussions. Instead, this is just my story. The story of a girl who was raised in church, who has been hurt by church people, who has been the one who hurt others in church, and who has—on more than occasion—been ready to give up on church, but who has learned to love the church because Christ loves it.
I’ve got friends who have left behind “institutional church” and started or joined a house church. I’ve got friends who have planted churches in places from Washington state to the Great Smoky Mountains. I’ve got friends who are active members of “mega churches” and friends who just sit in the pews of small country churches.
My husband is on staff at a church and believe me, I’ve seen all the ugliness a local church can produce. But, my husband is on staff at church, and I’ve experienced the beauty of the Body of Christ working to expand the Kingdom.
Prayers from the Pews isn’t a “how to” book about creating the perfect church. There’s no list of principles for effective ministry, no top ten tools for growing your church.
It’s a very simple book based on a very simple premise:
Prayer works.
I firmly believe that the only way for The Church—local and global—to work is if we first pray.
So whether your church meets in a sanctuary that is over one hundred years old or a cafeteria of an elementary school or the living room of your apartment, this book is for you, for your faith family. Because the Bible says where two or three are gathered in His name, He’s there.
Will you join me in what others are calling an opportunity for revival and begin praying from the pews?
Currently available for Kindle and Kindle apps, Prayers from the Pews will be available in print by the end of July.
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Congratulations on your book! That must be an awesome feeling to be a published author.
Thank you, Cari! It is a dream come true!