Beyond my ability to understand … Why I am far too often unmoved by the people who live with lack while I squander my abundance, that others are willing to die for a moment with fellow believers while we complain about how long our church services are, and that orphans languish around the world while we fill empty bedrooms with work-out equipment, craft supplies, and the toys that won’t fit in our children’s bedrooms.
And yet, there are those who challenge me by their sacrifice to bring home Russian princesses, Ethiopian sons, and daughters from Haiti. Those who have chosen to give their influence and skills to share the message of hope through Samaritan’s Purse and Freeset USA and Compassion and World Vision. Those who give up minutes and hours each month to hand out food in our community.
The problems are beyond me, beyond my ability to fix, beyond wrapping my mind around … but the solutions? Well, they might be beyond me alone … but they are not at all beyond all of us, bound together in the love of God, one step – one life – at a time.
image: from my time ministering in Roatan, Honduras
Five Minute Friday, Lisa-Jo’s community of writers who dig deep without editing and pretense. One topic, five minutes, and then to breathe … join me there?
Lovely post. Thank you for sharing it. It echoes my heart. Sometimes it can be easier to just think it is beyond me to do something, but it is really never beyond me. One at a time I can makes a difference, but the easier route often is it’s too big for me to tackle. Visiting from Gypsy Mama.
So much in life is overwhelming … I find it much easier to look at what I can do than to focus on what I cannot. Thank you for stopping by. Don’t you just love our amazing Lisa-Jo?
Your first words drew me in…and slowed me down to reflect on my own life. We have a son from Guatemala and are in the process of adopting from the Philippines. And as impacted as I am by that…we quickly fill their rooms up with toys and all the ‘comforts’ of life.
Glad I found you through five minute Friday. Thank you for the reminder that with God, with one step we can carry out his love.
Thank YOU for sharing your perspective … and for opening your home to those without homes.
We can do so much more for the Kingdom when we come together, pulling our various resources. Great truths here. Stopping by from the 5 Minute Friday!
Thank you, Barbie! So glad you stopped by.
Beautiful. We all are called by God to journey beyond the comfort of our current confines and be His light that will comfort others. So grateful that I stopped by.
Thank you for taking a moment to share.
Thank you!
Thank you for stopping by!
The power of community with God… such amazing power.
Yes … so often we underestimate what God can and will do when we take that first step of doing our part.
To this statement I say a hearty “Amen”…
“The problems are beyond me, beyond my ability to fix, beyond wrapping my mind around … but the solutions? Well, they might be beyond me alone … but they are not at all beyond all of us, bound together in the love of God, one step – one life – at a time.”
Lovely post, my friend!
Amazing, isn’t it, Stefanie, when we realize how desperate our need for Him is?