99 Days.
66 Books.
One Amazing Summer.
Yep, you read that right. Ruth of The Better Mom, Stacey of 29 Lincoln Avenue and I would love for you to join us as we read the Bible in 90 Days. I did this a couple of years ago and it was one of the most significant experiences of my Christian life.
Yes, it’s a lot of reading … but not as much as you might think. It’s about 12 pages a day. {I’m working a reading plan that divides those twelve pages into three separate readings per day.} If that still sounds like a lot, think about it this way … on Day 1 you’ll read from Creation through Hagar naming God “El Roi,” the God who sees me. {Genesis 1:1 – 16:16} The first part is so familiar and yet has so many new insights to offer.
We’ll be hosting a weekly link-up where you can share what God is showing you throughout the summer here on my blog. In fact, today we’d like to invite you to link up your About page if you are planning to join us. We’d love to stop by and give you a word of encouragement.
Stacey has started a Facebook group for those who participating in the Bible in 90 Days Summer 2012 and we’d love for you to connect with us there also.
Here’s the bottom line: I’ve been praying and thinking about how to make the most of this summer. I don’t know about you two, but I have the hardest time staying focused during the summer months. What better way to keep my focus then to stay in the Word!
Consider this your invitation … Join me for a summer in the Word.
You in?
I think I’m going to join YOU! I’m in the Word daily, doing the one year reading plan, BUT wanting MORE! Looking forward to getting to know everyone better through this journey. I will most likely link up through my personal site not Keeping it Personal. Thank you for pulling this together! =)
YAY! Teri, I have been doing a one year reading plan also but I’m going to let it rest through the summer to do this. Like you, I’ve been wanting more … and I’m just certain there is nothing more filling than the Word. Looking forward to getting to know you better through the summer.
This is going to be awesome! I am looking forward to reading with you!
Stacey recently posted…The Joy Dare :: Joy is Everywhere
Stacey, I feel the same way! Love the way God binds hearts together like He has done with us. Sweet, sweet gifts He gives.
I am so excited for you and all that will be joining in!
As you know, it WILL be life-changing! 🙂
Thanks, Amy! Yes, I know the beautiful results of this adventure … and I’m so excited to be a part of sharing that with others!!
I really want to do this. I’ve been trying to read all the way through the bible for quite some time now and I’m still in the Old Testament. I did good for a while, but I keep slacking off. I think this would definitely help me. So grateful for people like you that motivate us “slackers”. LOL! Has the facebook group already been created?
Yay Bridget!! It has already been created … look for Bible in 90 Days Summer 2012. We’d love to have you join us.
I so need this right now..really going to try!
You can do this!!! We can text each other encouragement … 🙂
I woke very early and decided to read some of my bloggers as that’s so often become part of my quiet time and as usual, God came through when I read yours first. I am so happy about this that I could spit! Yes, I want to join in. I am so not a blogger, but I read them. Hope that means I qualify. Question, I have serious eye issues so I do all my Bible “reading” on Youversion. I do two treatments a day that tk 1 hr and listen to my Bible, pray, etc during that time. Can you do this plan that way also? Or do you have to actually read, as with your eyeballs? Either way, I am in! I began a journey several months back with a long juice fast, while bingeing on books by David Platt, Francis Chan, etc…. What a journey it’s been!! So, this will only add to my wild ride. Thanks!
I think the best way is to actually read the passages … but you can do it on YouVersion. I’ll share each week’s readings on my blog on Mondays so you can know what passages to read. I am so excited that you’ll be joining us. If you want to be added to our Facebook group, email me at info@terilynneu.com and I’ll get you added.
I already got approved on the FB pg! Thanks. I ckd the reading plans on YouVersion and they do indeed have the 90 day one in their list of plans to use. You begin by reading the first 16 books in Genesis, which I assume is how you all will be doing it. You can have daily reminder alarms or email reminders. If this is the same, it’ll work! Yeah God!
Love this idea, TL! You have me thinking… I’m going to do this as a summer challenge with our women’s ministry this summer! Thanks for the inspiration!
That is awesome!! What a great idea.
Amazing! This is now my goal. 🙂 Gonna head over to the fb page. 🙂
Yay! If you can’t find us on Facebook, let me know and I’ll make sure you get added. 🙂
Thinking. Pondering. Remembering that the last time I tried, I’m still there—2 1/2 years later. *sigh*
Maybe this is the time to give it a go again??
Obviously, yes, yes it is 🙂
Really looking forward to this!!
We are looking forward to it as well. And especially excited to have the opportunity to get to know so many new people as we read together.
Doing this was my plan for the summer. So very glad there’s a group out there for encouragement! Count me in!
Great, Jamie!! Please be sure to join our FB group so we can share the journey together!!
I’m in…
I do have a blog and I want to put a link on my blogger…how do i do that?
Here is the code for our button:
You can add that to your sidebar and it will lead back to this post where people can get information. I’ll also be indexing the weekly “check in” posts on this page as well.
I have tried to do this before, but had some family issues come up and was unable to finish. I definitely want to try again!!
Welcome and so glad you will be joining us!!
I’m interested in joining. I don’t blog, but I do have facebook and twitter. This sounds like a great way to get into the Word while giving and receiving encouragement. I would like to read along and participate please.
Sounds great, Star! You can request to join the “Bible in 90 Days Summer 2012” group on Facebook and follow along with us using the #B90Days hashtag on twitter.
I can’t wait to begin this adventure with all of these amazing women! Not sure where to link my About page, but you know where to find me!
Cherie recently posted…Photo Art Friday
I’ll link it for you, sweet friend!! 🙂 So glad you are joining us!!
I’m in:)))
Stefanie Brown recently posted…UpLIFTing GIFTing ~ Pursuing One Thousand Gifts with Ann Voskamp…
I’m in! I know this will be an encouraging, positive group! And with all those grace days, surly we can do it, right?!
Absolutely! Glad to see so many of my sweet friends joining us!!
Pattie pointed me here and I would love to join you!!
So glad, Dana! I love Pattie and her heart for others. Glad to have you joining us!!
Awesome! I am so excited to do this.
YAY!! Welcome!!
Thank you! What a wonderful idea for the summer!
We are so glad you will be joining us!!
Would love to join in. It would be great to have this encouragement. Thanks!
Woo hoo! Glad to have you joining us.
I am looking forward to this! I need to do this!
Welcome … and we are glad to have you with us.
Like many others that have commented, I have tried to do this and haven’t made it over the hurdle. Hoping this will be the support and motivation I need. Thanks so much for doing this. Let me know how to get on the FB page too.
You can do it! We’ll be here to cheer you on and support you however we can. Here’s the link to the FB page ~> https://www.facebook.com/groups/289750527781032/
This is great! Going to do this as a family. Means we will likely have to split it up into several reads a day, but that’s okay. I also sent a request in to join the Facebook group.
This makes me cry, Laurie! Families reading the Word together is beautiful! I’m thinking of splitting each day into three separate readings so if I do, I’ll share that breakdown on my blog each week.
Can’t seem to pull it up on fb. Can you add me? Meghan O’Brien Wilson
Try this link:
Was Stacey able to help you, Meghan? Let me know if you still need to be added to the FB group. 🙂
I would love to join you in reading the Bible over the summer! I can’t wait to join in!
Yay! So glad to have you with us, Michelle!!
I’m in!
Woot! Welcome!!
Who knows? Maybe this will get me back to blogging…. i’m excited. 🙂
Well that would be an unexpected benefit, huh? Glad you are with us.
I’m in
I’m so nervous to commit to this… but I want to be added- and I’m going to do it. 🙂 Thanks! -Sarah Harrigan
You can do it! We’ll be there to cheer you on!!
Hey TL…you posted the “code” above for Toney, but it made the button. . . I think you need to post the code as plain text.
I know! The code is available at the bottom of this post: http://www.terilynneu.com/2012/05/top-ten-reasons-to-join-me-for-b90days-this-summer/
Can’t wait!!! I started a 4 year but it was too little of reading and I stopped 🙁
I have not done as well at reading for year as I did with the 90 days plan. Glad you are with us!
I look forward to joining this study!
We look forward to having you, Kathie!
Wow….what a wonderful idea!!! Cant wait to see the reading plan!
Will you be joining us? You can find the reading plan here: http://www.thebrooknetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/BibleIn90Days.pdf
I’ll be posting each week’s reading on my blog also.
This sound awesome. I can not wait to get started. I do not have a blog so how do I get signed up1!!
Consider yourself signed up now! If you are on Facebook, check out our group there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/289750527781032/
You can check in each Monday right here at http://www.terilynneu.com starting on Memorial Day.
Glad you are joining us!
This seems so scary to me as I haven’t started reading the bible in a year and failed so many times but really feel like I so need to do this My life is so full of unkowns right now I know the only way I am going to get through this summer is God and what a good way to get to spend time with him!! Excited and nervous to start!!
It can be scary … all big commitments usually are. But we are all here to walk with you. I honestly believe God is going to do an amazing work in so many homes and hearts through this summer reading His Word! Glad to have you with us!
I am in – I’ve read through in a year three or four times, but this will be a first. I may just mention this to our women’s group tonight!
Glad to have you, Diane!! Thank you for joining us.
Would love to join you all, I was already planning to do this also so would love the accountability of a group. Would love to join the Facebook page.
Here’s the link to join the FB group … https://www.facebook.com/groups/289750527781032/. Glad to have you joining us!
I would love to do this!!!! Thank you!!!
Welcome to the party! Glad you are with us.
Hello there! One of my bad habits is getting so excited about what’s going on in blogland that I end up biting off more than I can chew, BUT, this is such a great endeavour that I am going to do my best to keep up with you ladies. Count me in and I look forward to learning and growing with a whole bunch of new friends.
Glad to have you with us, Lisa Marie! Looking forward to getting to know you. {Saw you’ve already joined the FB group too.}
I would love to be included please!!! 🙂
Yes! Join us! Here we are on Facebook {https://www.facebook.com/groups/289750527781032/} and I’ll be hosting a link up each week here at http://www.terilynneu.com for us to share what we’re learning! So glad to have you!!
I would like to join in the summer reading!
Welcome!! I recommend you connect with our Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/289750527781032 – and there will also be a weekly check-in here on my blog beginning on Memorial Day when we kick this baby off!! So glad you are joining us!!
I would love to attempt this!! Thank you for offering the chance to accomplish this. I need a good nudge to remember to be in the word each day.
I don’t blog but I would LOVE to join you on the journey of reading the Bible through this summer. I will connect with your FB group as mentioned above. I look forward to what God has to teach me though this.
That is wonderful, Jeanene! I look forward to connecting with you on Facebook and journeying with you through God’s Word this summer. Welcome!!
Would love to join you this Summer. My faith has been slowly slipping away and I know that after connecting with you ladies I will regain that faith. I’ve already joined your Facebook page. Thank you so much!!
Oh Laura! I am glad you are joining us … and I pray this summer will be a time of renewal and refreshing for you.
I am in! The encouragement and the inspiration from all the courageous committed has compelled me. God has confirmed it in my heart, and I am still a bit nervous, but I know it’s going to be so good!
Thank you for this. I do believe my life — our lives, will never be the same!
Michele-Lyn recently posted…Newsflash: I do NOT have it all together…
YAY!!! So glad to have you on the journey.
I don’t blog but would like to join. We want to do this together as a Family, if that’s o.k. Thank you.
That is awesome!! If you are on Facebook, we’d love for you to join our group there for encouragement and support. How exciting to do this as a family!!
I would love to join up. I don’t blog, but I do have a Facebook account! So I have included my email. Thanks
I am looking forward to reading all 66 with all of you! My yearly read along needs reviving. : )
YAY! Glad to have you with us, Amy!!
I would love to join!!
I don’t blog or have a Facebook account, but I am so thrilled to be joining your group. I started reading the Bible from beginning to end about two months ago and made it to Leviticus; then started going here and there, etc. I’ll be starting again tomorrow with your group. Very excited.
Sounds like a perfect plan to me!! Glad to have you along for the ride!
I am joining! My daughter, who only asked me to hold her accountable for doing this, caught my attention with your blog. If she can do it with 4 children, homeschooling and being gone for two weeks this summer; then surely I can!
Yay! Welcome, Joyce! So glad you are with us!!
I would like to join the reading group. I don’t blog. Looking forward to this!
Yay! Welcome!!! 🙂
I just came across this blog today and got all excited when I saw the 90 day reading plan. I started my 90 day reading plan on Memorial Day, too! I’m already behind 🙁 but I hope to join the facebook group for some encouragement and support. Thanks for doing this!
That is great, Melinda! Do join us on Facebook!