Holy Week Meditations: A God Who Helps Us

For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand,
Who says to you, “Do not fear, I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13

The God who helps us ... who is our help.

Lately, I’ve been trapped in a worn out frame of mind … can’t focus, can’t think, can’t process, can’t go another step.  Can. Not. I’ve watched lives torn apart by sin, hearts broken by words carelessly spoken, storms raging all around me, and I have felt helpless.

No, more than just feeling helpless … I have been helpless.

The truth is, much as I hate to admit it, I generally am helpless.

I can’t fix the things that really hurt and mend the things that are really broken.

When marriages crumble, I am helpless.

When friends fight, I am helpless.

When storms rage, I am helpless.

But in my helplessness, I find myself right where I need to be … bowed low, bent down.   When my back cannot bear the weight any longer, I fall to my knees … losing the burden I’ve so tightly held, releasing the weight I’ve struggled to carry.

And as I am low, pressed flat to the ground, my cares and plans and dreams and sorrows and hurts splayed out all around me, I realize this is where I belong.  Laid bare before the One who helps, the only One who can help.  

As we near Good Friday, the day only One who is Good was spread out on a cross, maybe you need to bow low, press flat, and release the weight you have carried to the One who helps.  The One who is our Help.

How has God helped you?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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