A Day Off

Congratulations to sweet Christina, comment #4!  You have won the coupon for the Redeemed chevron wallet!!

Thanks to all who entered the giveaway from Dayspring.

I’m in Nashville with my husband for the next few days.  We’re attending a conference on creative worship.  So, no new post today or tomorrow.

Instead, how about a few pictures from our drive through rural Alabama and Tennessee yesterday?

donkey country lane

old barn Lauderdale County Alabamaold red barn rural Tennesseerural Tennessee












It was fun to take our time driving and pull over to capture the peacefulness of the rural South.

One last photo … The Loveless Cafe where we ate dinner.  It was delicious and is a fabulous piece of Nashville history.  If you ever have the opportunity to eat there, do it!  Great food, excellent service, and just a cool place.


Enjoy the next few days!  Coming next week …

Dear Teri, Love Teri www.terilynneunderwood.com


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


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