5 Keys to Surviving Difficult Seasons

{The winners of Three Hearts film from Samaritan’s Purse are Julie, Mindy, Roxie, Cyndie, and Kathy.  I’ll be emailing each of you with instructions for receiving your copy of this amazing DVD.}

Ever have a season when you find yourself waiting for the next shoe to drop?  When every time you think nothing else could possibly happen, you find out how wrong you were?  When each storm seems worse than the one before?

Thunderstorm moving

We’ve sort of been living there for the last few weeks.

This isn’t the first time we’ve weathered storms and it undoubtedly won’t be the last.    Life is full of challenges … some the consequence of our sinful choices and other the result of living in this broken world.

I’ve learned a few lessons along the way about managing the difficult seasons.  There is nothing profound or revolutionary about what I’m sharing with you today.  In fact, the truth is, each of these three is obvious … but, somehow, as obvious as they are, it seems that we often lose sight of the obvious when faced with sudden stress.  {And it seems the longer the stressful situations remain, the less obvious the obvious is.}

1. Eat well.

It’s easy in the midst of trying times to allow our eating habits to get out of whack.  We vacillate between the extremes of not eating at all and eating anything in sight.  Making sure you eat adequate proteins, complex carbs, and fresh fruit and vegetables can make a huge difference in how you function in these situations.

2.  Sleep right.

Another trap we often all into is  abandoning good sleep habits.   It is important to get enough rest, good rest.  Our bodies need rest in order to continue to function – both physically and mentally.  When we don’t get adequate sleep, we find it more difficult to control our emotions, moods, and actions.

3.  Exercise … or just move!

Those of you who really know me are cracking up right now.  I hate exercise … in any and all forms.  But, the reality is, we need to move our bodies — especially during times of stress.   The endorphins released when we exercise have a profound effect on our mood.  Exercise also gives us a productive way to deal with the pent-up emotion of trying times.

4.  Be social.

Sometimes we are tempted to hide away when life throws curve balls our way.   We become happy hermits hiding away in our safe little caves where we can feign control over all the remaining variables in life.   Don’t lock yourself away from the people who can come alongside you.  We need each other!  You may not be in the mood to party and that’s okay.  But don’t ignore the phone calls or texts … give your friends the privilege of blessing you with their company, their prayers, and (if they really love you) good chocolate and lots of coffee.

5.  Focus on truth.

This one is really the most important.   Stay grounded in the Word and be faithful to prayer.  In order for us to focus on truth, we have to know the truth!  During the most difficult seasons of life, I have found the greatest solace in the Word of God and in prayer.   Also, as we remain faithful to time spent in the Bible and in prayer, we grow in truth and in understanding and wisdom about how to manage the situations we face.

The good news is as difficult as this season may be … it isn’t going to last forever.   The storms give way to sunshine and dawn always breaks through the darkest night.

Surviving Difficult Times www.teriynneu.com

Whatever your situation (or mine!), we can be confident of this truth:

My soul finds rest in God alone;

my salvation comes from him. 

He alone is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Psalm 62:1 NIV

What keys have you learned to facing the difficult times of life?

{Image Credits:  Thunderstorm Moving via Flickr; Morning Sun by Teri Lynne}


Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I have another one that I try to implement first. Breathe. Just breathe in and out. Amazing what good air flow and oxygen levels can do for your outlook 🙂 Love you!

  2. “He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” I needed to read this right now. I feel shaken – wind knocked out of me. But I know this is true. He is NEVER shaken. He stands strong. A mighty fortress is our God.

    Girl, praying over you right now.
    Stacey recently posted…The Joy Dare :: Joy is EverywhereMy Profile

  3. The storms aren’t easy. Thankful that He is our constant shelter…I needed to read this. He is faithful, but it seems like our family has been through the tumults in a last couple of years. So glad you shared. Will be praying for you, friend. Your situation mirrors one that we’ve walked through very recently and is still painful.


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