Today I had a great post planned … it was all about what can happen when we allow home managing to take precedence over home making. I had some great quotes and even an outline of sorts written.
But the words didn’t come together. I couldn’t make it flow.
I spent a lot of time working.
I spent a lot of time trying.
I spent a lot of time frustrated.
I even said on Twitter last night that I wouldn’t have a new post today (and received several sweet responses, thank you!).
{Notice anything about those last five sentences?}
It was all about “I”.
Last night when I laid down I realized what the problem was. Me.
I needed to slow down, to be still … a sudden stop.
Maybe you do too? Maybe today you’ve been reading blog after blog or listening to child after child. Perhaps that worry in your mind has been playing on a constant loop. I don’t know what your life’s journey looks like today but I do know the One who does. And He is calling you home, to Him.
Abba Father, You beckon us to enter Your presence. You invite us into that sacred stillness where the cares and concerns of this world fall away in Your glory. Forgive us for our haste, for checking You off our “to do” lists. Will you, O Lover of our souls, cause us to long for You. Draw us in to the peace beyond understanding and as we rest in the shelter of You, grant us calm that overrides our circumstances. Today, Lord, we lay down our plans, our goals, our lists, our worries, ourselves … and we declare You are enough. In Jesus’ name, Amen
{I wrote a whole series about slowing down, biblical rest last summer. Perhaps it will speak to you?}
Image via microsoft clip art
What a great reminder today – amidst writers block, contributor blog post due, work, housework and so many other things to do I needed this reminder! I’m going to head over and check out the series you did, thanks for sharing!
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