Sometimes I think we use homemaking and home managing as synonyms … and we shouldn’t. Managing is not the same thing as making.
Manage: to handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use
Make: to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc.
We have to manage the details of our home … if we don’t, chaos ensues. I get that. But let’s not get so caught up in managing our homes that we neglect the far more significant task of making a home.
Here are 10 ideas for making a home:
- Pray together.
- Eat together. {Love the resources from Focus on the Family’s Make Every Day Count Facebook page!}
- Tickles and giggles.
- Create stuff.
- Serve others.
- Dance and sing and act goofy!
- Look each other in the eye.
- Listen well.
- Hug often.
- Work together.
What else would you add to this list? How do you work at making a home?
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I love all your ideas for making a home! I wouldn’t add anything but I will say laughter has been an important part of our home. I love to laugh!
Have a great day!
I was going to say serving, like your #5. There is nothing like serving others (especially Jesus!) to bind a family together!
Love this! especially the part about being silly–letting the crazy out. I’m all about that!
Very good list, and I agree, homemaking and home management are not the same things!!