10 Areas in which I Am Behind

Happy Valentine’s Day to the most amazing husband ever!  He’s been dealing with a lot of my neurotic behavior and keeping the house together while I work.  He’s the best … and I don’t deserve him.  But I’m so very, very thankful to be living out my happily ever after with this guy!   I love you, Scott Underwood!!

Speaking Well of Your Husband www.terilynneunderwood.com

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.  A no-frills list this week … too far behind to be creative.

Top Ten {Tuesday}

  1. Laundry, my nemesis … the never-ending abyss of clothes and towels.  Isn’t some scientist somewhere creating cheap disposable clothes??
  2. Meal-planning.  Last week Hamburger Helper was less than $1 a box at a local store.  Guess whose pantry now has 8 boxes of the stuff?
  3. Grocery shopping.  I’ve been using the same razor blade for the past 3 weeks.  I’m going to end up with stitches from gashing myself if I don’t go shopping soon.
  4. Filing.  Apparently, papers keep accruing whether the head filer in the home is there or not.  As evidenced by my desk.
  5. Birthday party planning.  The girl turns 12 Friday.  She is having a sleepover after her first school dance which is also Friday.  At some point I probably need to figure out party favors, sleeping spots, and junk food for 7 or 8 giggly 6th graders.
  6. Reading.  I haven’t read anything that’s not about the publishing industry, marketing, or election law in ages.   Jen Hatmaker’s book 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess is one I am dying to dig into … someday.
  7. Correspondence.  I have a long list of cards I need to send, letters to write, and emails needing a response.
  8. New endeavors.  So many projects, so little time.   By the way, I’m so excited to share soon about some of these projects. Here’s a little taste of one of them …
  9. Blogging.  For realz, y’all.  Starting Well isn’t ending so well.  {Thankful for grace!!}
  10. Downton Abbey!!  Let’s get serious, here.  When a girl can’t find time to keep up with what’s going on with the Crawley family, there’s a real problem!

Could you help a girl feel a bit better about her situation?   Tell me something you are behind in, pretty please!!

As always, I’m spending my Tuesday with the purple-y Oh Amanda and all my other #TopTenTues peeps!

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. 1. Book reviewing. I think I’m six or seven books behind now.
    2. Filing (you should see the mess on the floor of my office! But the top of my filing cabinets are clean now…hee hee!).
    3. Organizing my computer filing system…have to finish this week between terms!
    4. Getting Blackboard set up for next term, which is next week.
    5. Finishing a proofreading test, so I can try and be a proofreader for a major publisher. Maybe.

    That’s just the TIP of the iceberg–doesn’t even cover my entire page long list of Wives of Faith stuff!

      • For those who don’t know (because my Twitter is protected against spambots mainly) I tweeted pics of my messy office for TL last night. She felt immediately better, knowing that her former RA who used to be the neatest neatfreak, is now a paper hoarder! LOL

    • Oh, I can relate … that stack of books we got at Relevant? Still in the lovely Blessings Unlimited Bag we received along with all the business cards I collected.

      I really had hoped to have the Relevant stash settled before heading to Blissdom next week. But …



  1. […] the reasons listed above, I relate completely with my dear friend, Teri Lynne.  Her post, “10 Areas In Which I am Behind”, causes me to pause, realizing I’m not alone.  Her honest post gave me permission to breath […]

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