Stockpiling. When I was growing up in a small town in Oklahoma, I can remember a few people who “stockpilers.” They collected water and canned food along with batteries and flashlights and stored it all in their fallout shelters where they’d be safe in case of a nuclear attack.
My daughter has never had a nuclear attack drill in her school and knows little, if anything, about the Cold War. Today stockpiling is mostly a term used in reference to couponing. But maybe it’s time we did some stockpiling in our spiritual lives.
Consider these words from the Psalmist:
I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11
Today we’re going to look at three different ways we can stockpile God’s Word in our hearts.
1. Memorize.
Powerful stuff, memorizing Scripture. It’s tough, though, I know. I struggle with it myself. But there’s no denying that we can do it and when we do, the Scripture we have disciplined ourselves to memorize is embedded deeply on our hearts.
2. Meditate.
Meditating on Scripture can give us a fresh view of God’s Word. One of my favorite ways to meditate is to place myself inside a particular passage of Scripture. For example, to imagine I was on the boat with the disciples when Jesus calmed the storm. What would I have felt when the winds and waters were raging? How did Jesus’ voice sound when He told the waves to stop? By immersing ourselves in the story we can store up the richness of God’s Word in a rich and vibrant way.
3. Meander.
This is one of my favorites. I’m a student by nature. I love to study and research. I can follow the cross references in my Bible for hours just to see where they lead. Meandering through God’s Word, noticing where words like “light” or “hope” are used. Just wandering through the Bible, enjoying the journey, can be a tool for gaining new insights and fresh understanding.
Jesus had a few words to say about storing up also:
But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. ~ Matthew 6:20-21
Stockpiling food for our families is a great thing. Being prepared for emergencies in wonderful. But storing up the treasure of God’s Word – that’s eternal.
How do you store up God’s Word?
- Tips for Memorizing Scripture
- Explanation of Biblical Meditation
Devotions, Quiet Time, Personal Bible Study. Is It Really Necessary?
10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time
Tomorrow’s post is Tools of the Trade: Resource Recommendations. To make sure you don’t miss any of the Starting Well series, please take a moment to subscribe for daily updates in your email.
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Well put Teri Lynne. I’m amazed at the strength and peace I find when scripture comes to mind or out my mouth at the perfect moment.
Thank you, Cyndie. I feel the same way.
I stress scripture memory to my kids all the time, but don’t do it myself. There are times when I really need to use the “sword” and can’t quite come up with the verse. I need that power to be available to me through the scriptures. Thanks for the reminder and the little push 🙂
It’s a struggle, isn’t it, Marci? I do the same thing … emphasize to my girl and fail to do it myself.
I am researching strategies and tips, and was disappointed that I cannot link to either of your other resources- I’m not a member? but there isn’t a way to get membership?