“Effective time management isn’t the key to a completed to-do list, it’s the key to an accomplished life.” Amy Lynn Andrews
Do you yearn for an extra hour in your day? An extra day in your week?
Do you feel as though your “to do list” will never be complete? That no matter how hard you work, the work is never done?
May I suggest a difficult idea? Perhaps, just perhaps, your ideas about time are not in line with God’s truth about time.
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time … Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. ~ Ephesians 5:15-17 (emphasis added)
There are 24 hours in a day. Period. There are tasks which will never be complete … laundry and dishes are two that come to mind. But time is not our master, to do lists are not our lord.
Is there even a remote possibility that your issues with time have less to do with needing better tools and more to do with needing to lay your days down before the Lord and asking Him to guide your time?
Over the next few days we’re going to look at time management. I’ll offer you some ideas and tools, some recommendations and some cautions. But let me begin right here: We will never manage our time well unless we submit it first to the One who is the Creator and Sustainer of time.
Today, I encourage you to spend some time in prayer about this. Ask the Lord to show you HIS plans for your time. Ask for wisdom to redeem your time.
In what ways does poor time management affect your life – spiritually and otherwise?
Linked up with my friend Michelle for Thought Provoking Thursdays
This week is all about TIME. Come back tomorrow for 10 tips for better time management. Just to make sure you don’t miss a post in this series, please take a moment to subscribe for daily updates in your email. All the previous posts in Starting Well in 2012 are indexed here.
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Excited about this TL! I’ll make time to read. 😉
Thanks, Julie! I am praying it will touch hearts (including my own) and bring freedom to the weary.
Great post, Teri. I’ve been convicted of this myself — of needing to lay my schedule before God daily. I look forward to reading more!
Thank you, Ramona! I’m so glad we have reconnected.
Will look forward to reading more!
Thank you, Debbie! So glad you found me. 🙂