10 Most Read Posts from 2011

Borderline obnoxious?
Yes, maybe.

I actually had not planned to share the “best” posts from 2011. But I have enjoyed reading this kind of list from other bloggers and that made me curious about what posts from the past year were the most read here at www.terilynneunderwood.com. I have to admit, some of these were a bit surprising to me.

Best of 2011 www.terilynneunderwood.com

{Weekend Challenge} Finish Something! :: Have a project you have neglected?  A “to do” list that overwhelms you?  A book you need to finish reading?  I can relate, as this post certainly proves.

10 Thanksgiving Stocking Ideas :: Who knew our little family tradition would catch on with so many others.   Not only was this the second most read post here on my blog, it was also shared almost 200 times on Facebook.  Wowza!  {By the way, now is a great time to pick up a few Thanksgiving stocking stuffers REALLY cheap.}

Grace & Peace :: The first post in my 31 Days series on Philippians.  On the third day of 2012, these words from the apostle Paul are pretty fitting – “Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

{Weekend Challenge} Read ::  I loved looking back at this post.  It’s just a simple list of some things I was reading in March.  Good stuff.

10 Ways to Use a Silverware Caddy ::  One of those fun posts with loads of pictures about a great product from a company I love!  {By the way, the caddy has currently found an 11th use.  I’ve got it by the back door holding keys, sunglasses, and the dog’s leash.}

Top 10 Bible Studies I’ve Done :: Another list of resources.  My favorite thing about this post, introducing people to some authors they hadn’t heard of (like David Nassar).   I loved hearing from people who bought one or more of these studies and loved them as well.  I imagine this will become an annual list I share.

Open Letter from a Pastor’s Wife :: Ever wonder what your pastor’s wife is thinking or how she feels?  Well, based on the response from pastor’s wives to this post, I’d say this is a pretty good representation.

Relevant, Element, and Rest :: Sometimes the post-conference posts everyone feels compelled to write end up resonating beyond the attendees of the conference.   This is one of those.   {And it just fit in perfectly with the Slow series about biblical Sabbath that I’d written a few months earlier.}

Parenting from the Overflow :: I wrote a little ebook.  In fact, in a few weeks I’ll be releasing the second edition of that little tome.  {Since the first edition will soon be gone, I’ve got it on sale for $2.99.  You can only get it at this price through by clicking on the Buy Now button below.}

Buy Now

10 Free (or Nearly Free) Kindle Books :: This is an older list so probably none of these books are still free but it is a great sampling of the books you can get for your Kindle or Kindle apps.   I’m thinking of doing a post like this every month sharing what book deals I’ve gotten.  Whatcha think?

So, there you have it … the most read posts from around these parts.   And, since it seems that my sweet readers love lists of books and simple ideas for accomplishing tasks and finishing goals, you can bet there will be much more of that type of information here in 2012.   On January 9th, my Starting Well series will kick off and it’s jam-packed with resources, ideas, and encouragement for kicking off 2012 the best way possible.

And, because I’m totally curious, what topics or themes or types of posts would you like to see more of here?  I’m all ears!

{happily linking to Oh Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday … because it’s one of my favorite linkys}

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. I am just new in following your blog and I am really glad that you listed all most read posts from the past. I will be able to read them all and be able to atleast catch up from all I have missed. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  2. I don’t think these posts are obnoxious at all. I think they’re fun! I am a regular reader here, but somehow I missed the “Top Ten Bible Studies I’ve Done” and am off to read it now. 🙂

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