I want to write, to convey all the mixed up thoughts running through my mind.
But somehow the words are not coming.
This rarely happens to me … I always have something to say.
But today … nothing.
Blank pages haunt me. Five days of no blog posts scare me.
What if the words are gone?
Just typing that terrifies me. Writing, speaking, articulating … that’s my thing. That’s how I describe myself. How I define myself.
If the words are gone, what is left?
Today is rainy and cold. No sun shining through the clouds. The leaves have all fallen and turned brown. Bare branches sway in the breeze. The season of invisible growth has arrived outside. Trees are hoarding resources preparing for the burst of spring. Leaves slowly decay into the ground nourishing the soil for the flowers to come.
Maybe I’m in a season of invisible growth too. Maybe the words are gone … for a time … so that I will lean into The Word. Remembering that my identity isn’t found in the words I write is a lesson worth revisiting.
For in Him we live and move and have our being … Acts 17:28
Perhaps as Advent begins, my words need to fade away so that I can embrace the beauty of the Word made flesh (John 1:14).
Perhaps, maybe, your words need to fade as well?
linking to Write It, Girl … because even when words fail, I write
and to life:unmasked … because real matters and writing it out helps
That feeling of just not having the words used to be a nightmare to me when I was a student and I hit a period where I just couldn’t do any writing beyond what I needed to do for my classes. But now I’ve started to see just what you’re saying – sometimes God really does need to do things in us that aren’t ready for words yet. Blessings to you, and I hope this is a wonderful Advent season for you!
Amy recently posted…My Advent Heart
Amy, that waiting … so hard.
I’ve had a “dry spell” of my own too. It’s terrifying to think your words may be gone! But the quiet place I was in gave the Author of my words a chance to speak to me in a fresh, new way.
“Fresh, new way” … that sounds wonderful!!
The words will come again when it’s time. I haven’t hit that block yet, but I know it eventually comes to everyone so my time awaits. And it will be okay when it does come. I love your attitude.
Lisa notes recently posted…Do you write like you read?
Lisa, thank you for your kind comment and encouragement.
Oh, girl. I’m so right there with you. I feel like I have so many thoughts jumbled up in my head, but when I sit down to write… nothing comes out. Sigh. I know this feeling well!
Chelsey recently posted…Thinking Back and Counting the Blessings
So we wait for His timing and His words … together. 🙂
It is amazing that even without words, you can be so encouraging!
I hope that your words are not gone…
But I know that if they are, it is for a purpose.
Many thanks, Meredith, for your encouragement and prayers.
Oh, bam.
Yes, perhaps during Advent my words need to fade more. I need to quit yelling them from my heart, head, and screen, and instead, just reflect.
I guess not having words isn’t always such a bad thing. Thanks for the thoughts.
“Just reflect” … yes. That is the challenge sometimes, huh?
When words fade we turn to the Word that is alive and feeds our hearts.
Sometimes, the right response is silence. Thinking about words fading this month to embrace The Word made flesh…
I love that you “get” me and have joined me in the life-journey, Stacey! Your friendship and your wisdom are true gifts.
I love and appreciate your honesty, sweet friend! I also, LOVE how your spirit, in tune with his, reveals. Reveals this time, this quiet time, may be an opportunity for you to embrace the Word wholly!
Beautiful, simply beautiful…
Stefanie Brown recently posted…The Day After The Day After…
Oh sweet Stefanie, you are encouragement to this wordless, weary one. Thank you.
What a lovely thought–that God sometimes allows our words to dry up so that we might listen more attentively to His Word. Thanks for sharing this post. It really touched my heart. Blessings!
Renee, so thankful it spoke to you.
Even when the words don’t come, write anyway, just as you have. Through faithfulness and perseverance, the words will eventually come – stronger, clearer, and true.
Thank you, Denise, for your words of encouragement.
You may not have had words, sweet girl, but your actions spoke volumes on Saturday night when you drove to the hospital in answer to my call. Your willingness to come, even for a little while, meant the world to me. Once I knew you were coming, I felt such a calm. Sometimes, we don’t need words. What we do…what you did…tells what is in your heart. Yours is a very dear heart and we love you.
It was a gift to me that I am close enough to be able to come …
This happens to me every once in awhile too. Even when I’ve been with Him. Always, the times of silenced words brings refreshment. Have a blessed time of invisible growth.
Jeri T. recently posted…{Gratitude} ~ Almost All Tapped Out
“Always, the times of silenced words brings refreshment. ” Love this thought. Thank you.
He must become greater; I must become less.
My will, my words, ME. Thanks for the reminder that it is time to decrease so that through me He might shine brighter!
Oh good word, Lisa! Thank you.
As the mother of a three month old I very much resonate with this season of no words. I’m so sleep deprived half the time that I can’t think straight, much less feel super creative. It’s only just now evening out and starting to feel a bit better. I, too, and trying to learn that lesson that I am more (and worth more) than my writing. Thanks.
Lisa McKay recently posted…What Would Jesus Do?
Oh Terri! I can so relate to you…and I just know that the pressing in to Him, the leaning on His Word, is right where He wants us to be. And I just love your honesty, and I’m echoing them with you. It is such a blessing to know you!
Jacque recently posted…Because We All Have Hard and Rough Days
Invisible growth. Being still. Leaning into the Spirit of the Lord. Human being instead of human doing.
These are all equally as important as the productivity that comes from a filled life, mind and spirit.
Too bad our society is uncomfortable with stillness.
I love your analogy of the trees in winter. While they are still alive, they are quiet, and waiting.
Just like a butterfly in a cocoon – waiting, transforming. It is the dark night of the soul – while uncomfortable, still necessary.
The Bible is rich with language urging us to wait.
For thee I wait all the day long. Ps. 25:5
My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning. Ps. 130:6
Wait continually for your God. Hos. 12:6
If it seem slow, wait for it; it will surely come Hab. 2:3
If we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Rom. 8:25
There is the parable about the maidens waiting for the bridegroom, and half the maidens didn’t have oil when the bridegroom arrived, and so they missed him. I always thought the moral of the story was to be prepared. But I think it also means waiting, waiting through the dark night.
In a nation of busyaholics that absolutely value doing over being, this is a difficult concept for Americans (including me) to grasp. The Chinese have something called wu wei that captures it.
Wu wei is an attitude of expectant beingness – a nondoing or actionless action that Thomas Merton says ‘is not intent upon results and is not concerned with consciously laid plans or deliberately organized endeavors.” Wu wei is the opposite of conscious striving. Paul talks about this as spiritual freedom in faith, not achieving. We simply let life or creativity unfold, or not.
Here is to cultivating an ability to wait in God.
Be blessed ~
It’s not been that long since I experienced a similar journey – a season where the words weren’t there. My need was to be filled with THE Word in order to be able to share the words He gives me. His Word is LIFE! Praying for you, dear friend!!
Ashley Pichea recently posted…A Confident Heart – Chapter Nine
Hi Teri Lynne, I stopped over from Write It, Girl.
When the words won’t come and my thoughts are jumbled, I ask God to guide me. What does He want me to say, to write about? The answer doesn’t always come on my time schedule, but I try to be patient, because He does answer.