It was amazing. I cherish every moment of the time I spent with friends … and learning, so much learning.
Sure I learned about blogging basics with this incredible woman and listened as three amazing people shared their insights into blogging about big needs … I was a wide-eyed listener as this couple taught on the business of blogging. Joy reminded me how important community – local and bloggy – is. Laura poured the sweetest blessing over me – the majesty and glory of spending moments covered in the Word of God. Some time I spent laughing, some I spent brainstorming, some I spent sharing true hopes and dreams … but all was spent in the presence of amazing women. Women who are passionate and prayerful, purposeful and truly precious (even precious on a plate!).
But now, I’m home … back to laundry and dishes and giggly girls and a husband who is leaving in a just a few hours for a conference in Dallas.
My heart is reminded of wise words about being in your element – that place where your passions and gifts meet – and I’m thankful for the blessing of two such worlds … one online, one off.
So this week (and maybe even part of next), I’ll be in my element … pondering the words and emotions and lessons of the days just past and seeking His sweet face to know how to apply them to the months ahead. I’ll be writing but just drafts … just the beginnings of what He’s teaching, allowing time for the best Editor of all to temper and tame and shape and form those thoughts … and even more, to mold my heart.
I left Pennsylvania and returned to my favorite element … home. These are the people who need my hugs more than my insights, my listening ear more than my profound (ha!) insights, and my presence more than any gift I could give.
So I’m resting … resting in Him, resting in my house, resting with my family.
And, maybe, just maybe, one or two of you need encouragement to do the same.
Have a wonderful week … catch up on the 31 Days of Joy series you might have missed or join us at Scripture Dig for our Names of God series.
You are deeply appreciated and dearly loved … but this week, my element is simply a call to rest.
What is the Lord calling you to do?
Good for you, dear. Well said. Well done.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. I am still unpacking everything I learned at Relevant, and figuring out how to chew on it from a distance while I focus on what’s really important.
Be blessed today!
Excellent post my friend!! Enjoy this time! Hugs! 🙂
I hope you enjoy your time of rest this week.
I enjoyed meeting you and am glad you were one of the ladies on the elevator with me!
Such a treasure you are! I pray you are just blessed out of your socks this fall and winter with all you learned and all He has planned for you! You are so gifted and it showed you were in your element! You just glow, sweet friend! Honored by the mention. All glory to Him!!
This is my kind of recipe! And you, my dear friend, were icing on the cake. Love you much.
Well said, Teri Lynne, and well chosen. Rest well.
Your smile is positively radiant- as is your heart. 😀 I adored hanging out over breakfast…
Enjoy that rest!!!!
Glad you had a great time! One of these years I would love to attend Relevant and meet lots of bloggers I appreciate 🙂 It really is a unique ministry.
Teri Lynn, it was so good to meet you in person after stalking the design of your blog. I look forward to getting to know you better in this little pocket of the web that is so blessed by Him. Thankful for you!
It was so nice to meet you … and looking forward to getting to know you too.