Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble. And you Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I left Macedonia, no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving, except you only. Even in Thessalonica you sent me help for my needs once and again. Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit. I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.
Philippians 4:14-18, emphasis added
Do you have friends who share your troubles? I think that’s been the hardest part of this move back to Alabama … missing those soul-sisters who walked beside me, knew my heart (before I even did sometimes), and held up my arms when I was too weary to do it myself. { I know those friends will be made here in our new place of ministry … but I have to say, they’ve got a high standard to measure up to!} In thinking about those girls whose friendship has been a fragrant offering in my life, I realized there are a few common qualities they all share.
- Willingness to come alongside … It’s hard to share your good times or bad with someone who isn’t around. We need to be the kind of women who come alongside each other.
- Wisdom to laugh … Sometimes we are so caught up in our own life that we can’t see the joy, the silliness, the whimsy, the grace. We need to be the friends who help others have wisdom to laugh.
- Words to challenge … I have been enormously blessed by amazing women of God in my life, the kind who will point me to Scripture and call me on my sin. Those relationships take time to build but we need to be seeking (and being!) women who are deep in the Word and willing to share its truth with one another.
Maybe, just maybe, if we had more women like this in our faith families, in our lives period, we’d have less drama. It begins with me – and you – asking for the grace to be a woman who shares in the troubles of others and one who allows others the honor and grace of walking with us through our own difficult times. Will you be a trouble-sharer?
Oh Jesus, this might be the hardest thing of all … this opening of our hearts and lives to others. But that’s what You want from us, isn’t it? Part of laying down ourselves for You is laying down our masks with others. It’s scary, Lord, really scary. I get lost in the “What ifs” when I think about it … What if they reject me? (Just as they rejectedYou.) What if they leave me when I need them? (Just as your disciples slept in the Garden.) What if they don’t understand my heart? (Just as they didn’t understand Yours.) You’ve been there … and I need to go there, risking rejection, desertion, and loss, because there is where the grace of relationship is. There is where we find the depths of loving others lived out. Will You give me the courage I need? Propel me toward relationship in spite of my fear? Move me into communion with others and thereby deeper communion with You. I’m scared of doing it … but I’m more afraid of not. Lead me. In Your sweet, perfect Name I pray, Amen.
Teri Lynne,
Of course you know that I am in tears! Make sure to tell Casiday! You are such a blessing in my life. Never forget that! I love you so much and miss you more each day.
Me too, I’m glad I have my best friend to share my problems. He’s always there for me especially during tough times. We’ve been friends since grade school.
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