Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the real circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.
Philippians 3:2-3, emphasis added
Yesterday, my flesh was a mess. We had a rough Monday morning …and by “we,” I mean my 11-year-old. Nothing went smoothly for her … and, I hate to admit, but this momma did not help matters at all. Rather than patient, I was perturbed. Rather than helpful, I was hurtful. Rather than gracious, I was gripey. And all day long, as I counted blessings, I was also counting minutes until I could apologize. My flesh fails … all. the. time. As a momma, as a wife, as a friend, as a writer, as a believer. I’m so thankful for the Spirit of God at work in me! The immediate conviction, the undeserved grace, the endless love. I’m a slow learner, as yesterday’s morning certainly proves. But I *am* learning … and today, by the work of Christ in me, I put no confidence in my flesh. I choose to lean into His strength. Maybe you need to do so as well?
Grace … amazing, inexplicable, immeasurable grace. Oh Jesus, how I realize the gift of grace today. Yesterday was bad, really bad. I confess my reliance on self, on flesh … but today, Lord, in the newness of Your fresh mercies this morning, will You hold me close? Draw me near. Today, each moment, will You whisper grace into my heart and cause me to place my confidence in the only sure thing I know … You. Thank You, precious Savior, for grace. In Your sweet name I pray, Amen.
So.Was.There.Yesterday. Too.
We have so far to go….but GRACE! Thank you so much Lord!
Stacey recently posted…31 Days {Day 18} :: Just Chilln’
Stacey, you encourage this weary heart. Thank you for your words and your friendship. Evidence of that fresh mercy this morning.
Praying your beautiful words with you this morning!
Thank you, Sandra.
You described my day yesterday. It was not pretty. So thankful for grace. Blessings.
Sounds like many of us were in the same place!! 🙂 Yes … thankful for grace.
I could not agree with you more.
Edith recently posted…Little Happies: Butterfly Trinkets to Enjoy!
Kind thanks, Edith, for your comment. So nice to find connection and encouragement from others facing the same difficulties and experiencing the same grace.