{Top Ten} Books to Encourage a Weary Heart

It’s no secret around here that I love my Kindle … I mean, I really love my Kindle.   So much so that I have convinced several others to get Kindles just because I rave about mine so much.

But …

I still love the feel of a book in my hand.   My whole life I’ve had a love affair with books.   There are photos of me as a toddler curled up in my crib holding the book I was “reading” before I fell asleep.   Similar photos have been snapped throughout my life.   It’s not unusual for my husband to come in and take the book out of my hands and turn off the light because I fell asleep reading.

For me, books are safe.   They’re like old friends who encourage and challenge.  Lately, as I’ve felt like I’m walking in circles getting nowhere, they’ve been the reminders of who I am and Whose I am.  Giving me gentle nudging {and some powerful conviction} to move me out of my funk and back into confidence in the Lord’s plans for me.

Here are some of the books that I’ve been re-reading lately …

  1. Life Application Study Bible NLT:  Always, first, I turn to Scripture.  These days I find myself wrapped up in the Gospel of John and lingering in Philippians.
  2. Dear Abba: Finding the Father’s Heart Through Prayer:  I keep this one out all the time.  Designed as a devotional, I find myself stopping throughout the day to pick it up and read and pray.
  3. The Blessed:  INCREDIBLE!  I don’t know where I got this book or when, but its tattered condition reflects how much this memoir/study of The Beatitudes has touched me … and challenged me in so many ways..
  4. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life:  Sometimes, my weary heart needs a reminder about how to slow in the midst of modern chaos.
  5. The Power of a Praying® Woman :  Twice a year, I use this book to pray for myself.   I have many of the prayers memorized from using it so often.  But when I’m especially broken or tired or discontent, this book has often been the impetus to get me back on track – pointing me back to the Word of God.
  6. Small Changes for a Better Life: Daily Steps to Living Gods Plan for You:  Practical, relevant, and Bible-based … I this might be my favorite of all the Elizabeth George books in my library.   Just simple reminders that can help a scattered heart refocus.
  7. Into the Depths of God: Where Eyes See the Invisible, Ears Hear the Inaudible, and Minds Conceive the Inconceivable:  My affection for the writings of Calvin Miller can be attributed to my daddy.  In fact, he’s the one who gave me this book in June 2001 … and since then I have often gone back to read portions and pages and regain my sense of wonder toward the God whose depths are unfathomable.
  8. Authentic Faith: The Power of a Fire-Tested Life:  The first Gary Thomas book I ever read.  Reminders like this, “Contentment is rarely a onetime choice; it’s an ongoing challenge”  (185), push me outside of myself.
  9. Self Talk, Soul Talk: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself:  Often my weariness is partially due to me and my expectations.  Jennifer Rothschild has a way of drawing that out … and encouraging me to speak God’s truth to myself.
  10. Six Qualities of Women of Character: Life-Changing Examples of Godly Women:  Another book  I’ve had forever but I love it.   This one often helps me gain perspective … and challenges me to deal with the heart issues that can cause my weariness.

What about you?  Are there books you turn to when your heart is heavy?  When life seems overwhelming or you’re just in a funk?   How have books been like trusted friends in your life?

{linking up with Oh Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday}

Links are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission if you purchase through them.  Opinions are all my own.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. For me…Scripture and Nicole Johnson’s “Fresh-Brewed Life.” I didn’t read it last year and I’m about to do a read-through this fall.

    • Oddly, Pattie, I have never read Nicole’s book. Though I loved her when she was with Women of Faith. I should get it.

  2. That’s true. Even if Kindle is there to make it easy for us to read or something, holding a book and turning each pages is still what I prefer.


  1. […] Top Ten Books to Encourage a Weary HeartSep 20, 2011 It's no secret around here that I love my Kindle I mean, I really love my Kindle. So much so that I […]

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