I first read Your Girl: Raising a Godly Daughter in an Ungodly World by Vicki Courtney in June 2004. I knew then that I would buy anything she wrote! Since that time I’ve devoured Five Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter
, The Virtuous Woman: Shattering the Superwoman Myth
, and Logged On and Tuned Out: A Non-Techie’s Guide to Parenting a Tech-Savvy Generation
. She has challenged me and mentored me in my role as a mother but also as a women seeking the face of God. When I had the chance to hear her life and in person – I was elated!
We’ve tweeted some … about our affection for Auburn football … when I introduced myself, she just gave me a big hug!
Anyhoo, she spoke at one of the main sessions at dotMom on the topic of “Finding Balance.” You know that’s a topic I enjoy discussing so I was looking forward to her insights.
Sharing from the familiar account of Mary and Martha {Luke 10:38-42}, Vicki highlighted a section of verse 40:
But Martha was distracted with much serving …
Distracting has the connotation of dragging all around. Vicki asked the question,
What is dragging you all around?
So often, our expectations of ourselves, our children, our husbands, our lives, are dragging us around … and destroying us slowly from the inside out. As Vicki said, “We are buying into an unreasonable notion!”
She urged us to be free from guilt and comparison. {Can I get an amen here?!} And shared three qualities of Mary that we need.
- We must have a willingness to make time to sit and listen to the Lord. As she discussed this idea, she pointed out that while Mary stopped everything and listened to the Lord, Martha was satisfied with “catching it on the go.” Let that sink in for a bit and then ask yourself if you ever get to that point. As she concluded this point she shared this thought, ” We must sit first at the feet of God before we stand to serve Him. Sitting must always proceed serving.” I loved that!!
- We must aim for “enough” rather than “too much.” In some versions, verse 40 says Martha was distracted with “much serving.” Vicki encouraged us to ask ourselves, “Have I learned to give enough or am I busy chasing too much?” We must learn to limit and self-monitor … and seek accountability!
- We must make Jesus Christ our primary affection. As if she was quoting from one of my Lopsided Living posts, Vicki said, “When the choice is between good and better – choose better!” I loved that she pointed out we can never do the good well until we have done the better.
Today, I urge you to take the time to ask yourself some of these questions … allow the Lord to search your heart … and be obedient to what He reveals.
How do you find yourself distracted?
What a privilege! I love Vicki’s ministry and her balanced insights. This sounds like another gem!
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