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I am thrilled to share with you about the latest Bible study written by my fellow Do Not Depart writer and good friend, Kathy Howard. Unshakeable Faith: 8 Traits for Rock Solid Living explores the Apostle Peter’s life and teachings to help us understand eight “faith traits” God developed in Peter. And, my favorite part, each chapter includes a “Faith Shaker” – the stories of women God has strengthened today. Perfect for use in your small group or even as a personal study, Unshakeable Faith
will challenge and encourage you to pursue the deep, unshakeable faith.
Here are some examples of the wisdom from this book:
- A rock-solid faith in the one true God provides a firm foundation that is not easily moved. (12)
- Jesus did not give them what they wanted, but He offered them what they needed – Himself. (27)
- When we lose our own “dreams” we gain God’s destiny and purpose for us. What could be better than that? (41)
- The trials of life can tempt us to be less than completely submitted and obedient to God … In essence, we give up on God too quickly and resort to self-preservation. Oh, but no one can care for us better than the Eternal Preserver. (59)
- You and I do not have to give in to temptation. God always provides a way for us to choose obedience. We don’t sin by enduring trials and facing temptation. We do sin when we reject God’s way and choose our own. (61)
- Peter recognized that God, through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, gives believers everything we need to live the life He calls us to live … God will supply. (74)
- We will continue to face trials, temptations, and difficulties as long as we live in this earthly body. But if we pursue holiness, we will not fall when adversity strikes. We will be unshakeable! (92)
- God allows these things (trials, suffering, and persecution) in our lives and uses them to refine us spiritually because He cares more about our spiritual condition than He does our physical condition. (104)
- {{ This one is my favorite!! }} Scripture clearly shows us that everyone – the believer and the unbeliever alike – will experience temptations, trials, and difficulties as the due course of a fallen world. But God doesn’t waste these things in a Christian life. He uses them to refine our faith, shape our character, and transform us to the image of Christ. (105, emphasis mine)
- As we obey God’s command to love others we also open our lives to be loved in the same way. As we love, we are loved in return. (123)
A perfect list for where I am right now – trying to figure out how to be more obedient and faithful/faith-filled.
Our Sunday school class is currently doing Kathy’s Bible study Before His Throne. Between the study and the series we are beginning at church I am learning about working on my heart not just trying to maintain the filters.
Jesus did not give them what they wanted, but He offered them what they needed – Himself.
I love this one! Sometimes my wants get out of control!! But the bottom line to my need is always HIM!1 Great Post!
Your blog and daily bible readings are my bible study – but am getting a few girls together and are searing for a starter bible study book – this one looks great!
Love number 8!
My latest Bible Study was Beth Moore’s A Woman’s Heart. It challenged me to not only know Christ, but to strive to be in His presence instead of being on the outer perimeters of salvation. Amazing!
My latest Bible Study was Beth Moore’s Jesus 90 days with the One & Only. She has an amazing ability to write on a deep level that I can not only understand but feel like the lightbulb went off. I walked away reading the Scriptures that I’ve read over & over in a whole new light.
My latest bible study was Jennifer Rothschild’s Walking by Faith. It is such a challenge to let go. Of control, of my wants, and my selfishness. This looks like it would be another great study!
Our group is doing a bible study called Eat the Cookie, Buy the Shoe and it’s about celebrating. It’s been encouraging as our family has dealt with a crisis that changed things drastically the past few months, and as we try to look forward to the renewing of our vows with a big wedding ceremony.
This book sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love number 2. I am so thankful that God does not answer all of my prayers and can see the big picture that I cannot see.