Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
If we were to rewrite this verse to reflect the truth in our lives, it would most likely say,
Come to Facebook, all who whine and complain, and your friends will join you in your pity party.
Sad, isn’t it? When we are heavy laden, when our labor feels in vain, when the days have worn us down, the first place we share our burden is with the masses on Facebook rather than the Lover of our Souls.
Is it any wonder we don’t comprehend what true rest is? We’ve never sought it from the only source. We take a vacation to “get away from it all” and come back needing a vacation from our vacation. We take “mental health” days from work and play hooky from school because we “just need a break” and yet we come back wishing for another day so we could really relax.
Rest is more than a nap on Sunday or a quiet moment on the beach. Rest is a state of our spirit, that right orientation, away from the things of this world and toward the Person of Christ.
There is only one way to rest … in Him.
Why do we continue to seek rest anywhere else?
Well said, Teri Lynn. This is the the pinnacle of your blog, “Rest is a state of our spirit”. That says it all, and I know that for me…that is what I seek. Thank you for sharing your insight once again.
Teri, this post is so accurate. Why do we continue to seek rest anywhere else but at the foot of the cross? The part about needing a vacation from our vacations made me smile. My husband and I always try to come back a day early from our vacation so we can rest.
Sounds so backwards!
I laughed out loud when I read the comment about facebook. It is one of my pet peeves that people use it to “grumble and complain” when that is just not what we need to portray, in our homes or to the world.
Rest is the answer to so many of our frustrations, irritations and mood swings! Great series, TL!
“Rest is a state of our spirit, that right orientation, away from the things of this world and toward the Person of Christ.” This sentence is so good! It was exactly what I needed to read today.
Thank you for this wonderful reminder. This scripture and the wonderful aria from ‘Messiah’ have been brought to mind several times in the past few weeks. Very timely.