I’m Not Enough

*** this giveaway is now closed ***

In the midst of life these days I consistently find myself struggling with this one thought:

“I’m not enough.”

  • Not enough of a wife.
  • Not enough of a mom.
  • Not enough of a writer.
  • Not enough of a friend.
  • Not enough of a teacher.
  • Not enough of an encourager.
  • Just not enough …
Ever been there?
All the change in our life over the past couple of months has been unnerving for a recovering type-A girl like me. Enter, The Shelter of God’s Promises, by Sheila Walsh.   This book met me just where I am right now.  More than once, lately I’ve put my head in the proverbial sand and tried to wish all this change away.  Of course, we all know that doesn’t work and it usually leaves us feeling even more underqualified and overwhelmed.


Sheila’s open writing and willingness to share from her own struggles and vulnerabilities is such an encouragement. My favorite quote from the book is this:


“Jesus doesn’t simply supply our daily bread.  He is our daily bread.”  
He speaks to me, to each of us, “I am enough.”   Just the message my weary heart  and tired spirit needed to hear. By the end of chapter 3, I was reminded of the truth in Philippians 4:19 – that God will provide all our needs according to His riches – and was safely tucked once again under “the shelter of God’s promises.”


The remainder of the book is just as encouraging and intentional in reminding us we can trust God at His word.   If you are feeling inadequate, alone, unsure, unloved, broken, or weak … this book will speak to your heart!  And if you are not dealing with any of those, this book will give you a fresh perspective for encouraging those who are.


I’m very happy to have FIVE COPIES of The Shelter of God’s Promisesto give away!  In order to enter, simply leave a comment sharing a time you have felt “not enough” and how God spoke to you through that time.


Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for a copy of Unshakeable Faith too!  And come back tomorrow for yet another great review and giveaway opportunity as review week continues!  All giveaway winners will be announced on Tuesday, July 26th.


Full Disclosure:  I received one copy of this book to review and five to giveaway from Thomas Nelson.  The opinion is entirely my own.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. What woman ever feels “enough” for very long?
    Wife, mother, home-schooler, housekeeper, cook, ministry worker, daughter, friend….there isn’t enough ME to go around, but by His grace… life is full and I am blessed.
    Blessings on the journey~

  2. As a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, I often feel I’m not enough or I should be better but I’m thankful that Jesus loves me and I continue to seek after Him.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. A specific time I felt I “was not enough” was when my daughters were 6 & 7 years old and my husband abandoned our family leaving me to raise them alone.

    Having been brought up to serve in the local church, I often attended simply because I had responsibilities to attend to (church pianist, etc.) and not from any sense of ‘wanting to’. God was continuing to provide; spiritually, materially, emotionally, though many times I couldn’t see it.

    My former spouse passed away in ’97 and I re-married my Sunday School teacher in ’99, whose wife had died of cancer.

    When I recently met a woman at a thrift store while on vacation whose husband had abandoned her a week previously, I was able to share with her from experience and God’s word; plus share with her about a church in her area I knew of that could be of help & encouragement to her.

    I still feel “not enough” on almost a daily basis, but with God’s word, and encouragement of many Christian friends & blogs like yours, find the grace that God provides

    God bless,
    Corrine R

  4. I often feel”not enough” on those days of mothering where I raise my voice, don’t focus on my children because of distractions, etc…. I feel “not enough” on the days when I do not show grace and mercy to my husband and on the days when I miss our first daughter so much that it takes me to a place of questioning Gods goodness and love! I am so thankful that I am always enough in Christ.

  5. Most recently I have felt ‘not enough’ As the last few years I lost my job, my home, my life as I knew it. Most recently I lost my son. Although this was most tragic and still … well the Lord gave me such courage, strength and a peaceful feeling at that time and today as we remember his birthday. It is indescribable the feeling that comes over you when you just trust in Him.
    “Come unto Me, all you who are weary and heavily burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28).
    Thank you for your ministry and encouragement daily

  6. Never enough… but God always provides enough for the day.
    Grandmother, mother, wife, elderly caregiver, full-time payroll administrator, artist, I just have to rely on God to make it all work together.
    I would love to study more about God’s promises…

  7. Not enough…every day. I know, today, I will never be enough if I am lacking Jesus by my side. He completes me. He fills me with Love. He is my Source for Life and the things I pursue & accomplish each day. I am blessed.

  8. I felt not enough most often when I became a mother, but the Lord continues to reveal Himself to me as I seek after Him daily.

  9. I feel like I’m not enough to my fiance. Not where I should be…that I won’t be the kind of wife I should be. God has been reminding me that He is at work in my life and that my job is to just walk with Him faithfully day by day. Your post was very encouraging as well!!

  10. When I look in the mirror and see ‘too much’ and not enough’ at same time:
    the assurance comes that “God Looketh on the Heart”. He knows my intents,
    my burdens, my cares, my hopes, my dreams and He knows I am but dust.
    So He promises Grace sufficient and …to give unto them beauty for ashes,
    the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness;
    that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD,
    (underline)that he might be glorified.(underline)Isa 61:3

  11. My husband and I are trying to have a baby and I’ve received several diagnoses that are going to make that very difficult. I feel like I’m not enough in so many areas, but God has made himself so real and has spoken to me, “I am all you need.” This book looks so wonderful! Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. With eight voices calling Mom all day, I don’t have “enough”. I find myself to be selfish, and time wasting. I can’t seem to meet everyones needs. The day is gone and enough hasn’t been done. I am weak, undisciplined, and inadequate. I’m not even enough as a child of God. Sometimes I just want to run away. Start over. Be someone different. Someone perfect. And God reminds me, I AM someone different. I was made a new creation. And I AM being perfected. All under the unbrella of grace. Thanks for the giveaway chance!!!

  13. This whole process of writing my story through infertility was hard! I was so unsure of myself and feeling inadequate. However, God continued to push me out of my comfort zone and through lots of prayer, I finished! I did it! It was one of my biggest accomplishments, and I feel like God led me through the whole process!

  14. I struggle with not feeling like enough, but I’m learning to cling to Jesus, and how He views me. He is enough, and in Him, I can do what needs doing, and be who He created me to be.

  15. I have lived with juvenile diabetes for 26 years. There are times when I feel awful because of blood sugar changes and/or neuropathy. I hate the fact that when I feel awful I am unable to be everything I want to be to and for my husband and my children.


  1. […] are several other giveaways going on … my two eBooks, Unshakeable Faith by Kathy Howard, The Shelter of God’s Promises by Sheila Walsh, How My Soul Yearns by Ashley Wells, and Notes to Aspiring Writers by Brooke McGlothlin.  Oh! […]

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