I love books … I mean, seriously love books. I love the way they smell and the way they feel in my hands. I love to open a brand new book with margins unassaulted by ink and I love to open a well-marked favorite just as much.
We use books as the foundation of our decor here at Chez Underwood … they are elements in every single room of our house. From Uncle John’s Bathroom Primer {is that TMI?} to my favorite Gooseberry Patch cookbooks … they are everywhere.
That part is not my confession … that’s just some facts. Here is my confession:
I routinely read ten or twelve books at time. {This habit has been reinforced by my Kindle which enables me to carry up to 3500 books around in my purse.}
So I’m offering up the ten books I am currently reading:
- The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath
- Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You’re Doing It Right
- Messy Spirituality
- The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the Rules
- Daily Reflections for Lent: Not by Bread Alone 2011
- What’s the Least I Can Believe and Still Be a Christian?: A Guide to What Matters Most
- Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence
- Unconditional?: The call of Jesus to radical forgiveness
- Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives
- The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House
Are you a reader? If so, do you read multiple books at once or one at a time? What would you suggest I add to my reading list?
Happy Reading!!
{For more recommendations on books, visit My Bookshelf page.}
Affiliate links included in this post.
Please continue to share your book list. Like you, I love reading. I read The Rest of God (from your twitter suggestion) and it was an amazing book. Currently, I am being blessed by Candace Cameron Bure’s book Reshaping It All. It’s a great book on self control and making better choices when it comes to eating and exercise. It’s from a Christian perspective and has transformed the way I approach exercise and eating. It was something I needed.
Maria, I’m so glad you’ve found my recommendations useful and encouraging! I have that Candace Bure book on my “want to read” list too.
I’m currently reading several books about the holocaust, and specifically about people who rescued and risked their own lives to help Jews and others who were in danger of being sent to concentration camps. Really intense stuff and lots of food for thought. I’m also reading Dwight Eisenhower’s Leadership Lessons. It’s short, but insightful…and formerly was free Kindle book.
Natalie, when you finish the books about the holocaust, I would appreciate some recommendations.
Teri Lynne,
Currently *The Secret Holocaust Diaries: The Untold Story of Nonna Bannister* is free in the Kindle Store (or at least it was on Sunday). I bought the book several years ago when it was released with much fanfare about it being the next Anne Frank. It’s not…but it’s worthy of a read (especially if it’s free). It’s published by a Christian publishing company, and I was disappointed (to say the least) that they inserted explanatory notes throughout the book. The notes cut up the flow and sort of insulted my intelligence…as a somewhat intelligent reader, I can draw conclusions for myself. The biggest reason to read the book is the backstory given about the family – what it was like to suffer at the hands of Lenin and then Stalin before the war. Seriously intense stuff! Horrible persecution long before Hitler rose to power and invaded Russia.
I downloaded that this weekend myself. I haven’t started it yet.
Hey, I’m reading the Rest of God, too! Great book.
Have you ever read anything by Chesterton? I like reading the older books, and G.K. Chesterton was just awesome. A lot of those books are free, too, on the Kindle, so that’s a bonus!
Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum.
Sheila Gregoire recently posted…It Is An EVIL World Out There
I am loving The Rest of God, Sheila! I have not read anything by Chesterton … and I have noticed there are several of his works free for my Kindle so I’ll have to pick one up. Thanks for the recommendation.
Oh, I like old books too. Did you ever read Stepping Heavenward?
Missional Mama recently posted…Ultimate Blog Party 2011 – with GIVEAWAY of DVDs CREATED USING LEGOS
Nope … another new one to add to my list!! Thanks!
I’m a book lover, too, but I struggle to read multiple books at once (thus my current conundrum as I have 4+ books I’m trying to read right now).
I just started reading “Transforming Prayer” by Daniel Henderson last night, and it is definitely shaping up to be a “must read” on the spiritual discipline of prayer… I’ll be sharing a few of my favorite quotes this morning on my blog!
Ashley Pichea recently posted…Blogging Through the Gospels- Day 8 Matthew 9
Ashley, I love when you share your recommendations … so I’ll definitely add the Henderson book to my list. And I look forward to reading some quotes on your blog later. Thanks!!
As I’ve gotten older, if I try to read more than four at a time, I get confused. SO…right now, four: The Bible; a novel; a women’s self-help-type book for review; and a writing book.
Pattie recently posted…Gifts 10
Pattie, that happens to me too! However, most of what I’m reading now I’m just savoring … so with no pressure to complete in a specified timeframe, I can read a chapter as I have opportunity.
I am with you, always reading loads of books and always blogging about them. 🙂 From your list, I have only read Margin but several others are on my list.
I am reading The Heavenly Man, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment, and others too.
Missional Mama recently posted…Ultimate Blog Party 2011 – with GIVEAWAY of DVDs CREATED USING LEGOS
I love to find other multiple-book readers … thanks for sharing with me!
One of the books I’m reading is Who Am I? by Teri Lynne Underwood! 😉 Lovin’ it!
Sandra recently posted…In the Family
Aww, thanks, Sandra!! 🙂
Wow…I thought I loved to read too. But, I dare say, you are a book reading Queen! I will have to take a look at some of those. Thanks
No, not a queen … maybe a little ADD. 😉
So you might find this amusing but my husband has turned into a reader and you are reading two of his favorite books. Messy Spirituality but be careful because it makes him frustrated with the local church and Margins. Margins was a class assignment when “we” did his master’s degree but he seems to be always carrying it around. I bet he has read it at least 3 or 4 times since he first purchased it.
I’ve read Messy Spirituality before … we are reading it with our home group. And Margin is so good … I know I’ll read it again.
Love that Joe is a reader now. That makes me smile! How are you all??
I love books, too. Massively love them. I also read several at once, though not up to 10, I don’t think.
I have been really loving the quotes you have been sharing on Twitter from “Not by Bread Alone.” They are quite powerful!
Caroline recently posted…Nature Reminds Me to Praise
Thank you, Caroline. “Not by Bread Alone” is an amazing Lenten devotional. I am so glad I found it.
10 or 12 books at a time? I thought I was the only one! We sound like such kindred spirits I was quite surprised to not currently be reading anything on your book list!
Books as decor….now you’re talking!
Anne recently posted…Well-Rounded Links
I am loving your blog … and so glad I found you!! And, yes, we do seem to be kindred spirits.