I’ve been a very self-centered person of late. Concentrating entirely on what I want, where I am headed, the dreams I have for ME … just generally self-absorbed. I can’t tell you how I got to that point … I’m sure it was just a gradual shift in focus. But boy! Once I realized where I was … it hurt!
As I was reading Scripture this morning this verse took my breath away with the realization of how very much I am in need of the Lord.
See, I’m a talker … a constant stream of words proceeds from my mouth. And often, that fountain flows without the aid of filter between thought and speech. So this morning, as I was reading that verse, I began confessing the many words I had spoken rashly. And, gradually my confession became a deeper realization of my own selfishness of late.
Isn’t it amazing how God’s Word works in us? I mean, certainly I needed to be reminded about the way words can be used to hurt or to heal. (Especially on a Sunday morning in a pastor’s home!) But, God wanted to do something deeper in me … He was calling out to me to let go of myself – of some things I have been holding on to for a while, honestly. Some hurts, some jealousy, some resentment … a lot of pettiness and pride.
And so, He gently spoke to my heart about my words, an area I routinely deal with in my life. He didn’t beat me up or allow someone else to correct me. Nope, the sweet Father took this child to the woodshed Himself. Only once we got there, He gently drew me into Himself and as I saw Him more clearly, He helped me see myself more clearly too.
What began with a heartfelt confession of selfish speech ended as a passionate cry for less of me and more of Him. Made me think of this song by Jeremy Camp, “My Desire” …
“This is my desire … this is my return … this is my desire … to be used by You.”
As the week begins, my prayer is for my return to Him … to be fully set, fully longing, to be used by Him … in His way, in His time, and in His grace and strength.
What is your desire?
{A repost from the archive today as we are traveling for spring break.}
My desire is to continue trusting that God is in control of my life and will make sure everything is taken care of. I’ve spent far too much time recently worrying about things that I know I need to place in His hands.
Heather recently posted…Back Into the Groove
I am desiring to see through His glasses. Bring on the glasses!