Whew … the past few weeks have been a whirlwind around Chez Underwood. We’ve made two trips to Alabama and one to Charleston, prayed for Greer (who is doing outpatient therapy now for two more weeks in Birmingham and will then go home to wait on a heart! THANK YOU for your prayers!!), had Spring Break, got my new camera (squee!), and I joined my Scripture Dig sisters to speak at a conference in Pigeon Forge, TN.
Now I’m tired again just from reading all of that!! 😉 But life will soon settle back into routine and before I know it … summer will be here.
Today is one of my favorite days of each month. On the second Monday of every month, I share my heart about Parenting from the Overflow at the MOD Squad blog. This precious spot is a wonderful encouragement to mothers of daughters, filled with inspiration, resources, ideas, and information. The writers have daughters of all ages – from babies to teenagers – and are filled with such wisdom and insight. We would all love to have you join us as we commit ourselves to raising our daughters in grace and faith … not in our strength but in His.
So pop over today for my post … Overflowing Self-Control.
Here are a few of my favorite pics taken with my new camera … Happy Monday!
I’ll go right now and read your post. I really enjoy the MOD Squad site too!
Oh good … I love the MOD Squad. Such great women with such beautiful hearts for their girls and the Lord.