{This post was originally shared on Gather Inspirit.}
“For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford but far more. And they did it of their own free will.” ~ 2 Corinthians 8:3, NLT
To be honest, this verse haunts me.
As I read it again and again, I keep asking myself this question:
Do I have my things or do my things have me?
How tightly am I holding to things that rust and moth destroy? My heart has been aching lately over the truth that far too often I love the things of this world more than I love the Lord of all. I give my best efforts to making my house lovely and taking care of my family. Noble pursuits to be certain … but are they good things taking over the best plans that God has for me?
What about my heart? I fear I’m failing in that area … my heart is filled with all sorts of unlovely. Hurt, envy, selfishness. My mind isn’t focused on that which is pure and of good repute … no , it’s focused on what I have and how to get more. Not just the “stuff” but the insidious, hidden more … attitudes, habits, “guilty pleasures.”
What about the widows and orphans? The sick, the poor, the lonely, the jailed? Too often I fall short here as well. I prepare healthy meals for my family and make sure their world is as calm and secure as I can make it … and move quickly past those for whom Christ stopped.
I want my life to count for eternity, I long to have made a difference. When all is said and done, I pray more has been done than said … and that the doing has been intentional, not incidental. I desire to hold loosely to the things and people of this world and cling with all I have to the One who gave them to me.
So I ask myself these hard questions and I lay down the sorrow I feel about my answers. Praying for a heart like His, a love like His, I ask for change, for tendering, for forgiveness, for grace. And He gives all of that and more. And I keep asking …
Am I only giving what I can afford? Am I only living what is convenient?
Are you? Do you have your things or do your things have you?
I love your sweet gentle heart Terilynne! He is working that soil, and you are letting Him. I know that God is working in and through you to bless many. I can’t wait to see how He continues to do so.
Stacey recently posted…Learning the art of slowing down Giveaway
Such thought provoking questions! Thanks so much f0r sharing at Friday Feedback today, friend!
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