A week ago we were at Sea World giggling at the antics of sea lions and otters and wondering at the strength of killer whales.
Four days ago I was using humor to make light of my current state of disorganization.
Two days ago I was teaching some of my clients at the crisis pregnancy center the truth that Jesus is the Light of the World.
But now … today … I’m on my knees in prayer.
Our niece (my husband’s brother’s daughter) is in PICU at a hospital in Birmingham.
A week ago, she just didn’t feel good.
Four days ago, they thought she had sinusitis.
Two days ago, they thought it was pneumonia.
But now … today … they know it is cardiomyopathy.
Our hearts hurt, our prayers unceasing. My husband and I are acutely aware of every minute of the nine hours that separates us from family right now.
Amazing how our perspective can be changed, isn’t it?
The beauty and strength of sea lions and killer whales, that time of rest and laughter, moments of celebrating my daughter … those are gifts, numbered among the countless gifts, from the God who is Creator.
The frustrations over failed routines and sloppy schedules … those are reminders of my need to lay all things – big and small – at His feet, the One who is Wisdom.
The joy of sharing and encouraging, the blessing of guiding others to Him … those are moments of grace, when my story of failure and mercy are worked into God for His glory.
The tears, the questions, the hurting, the wondering, the pain … these are the “treasures of darkness” when our strength and knowledge and understanding fails in every way and we are led back to that sweet truth – Love NEVER Fails … and God is love. {Habbakuk 3:17-18, 1 Corinthians 13:13, 1 John 4:8)
We do not know what the next hours and days hold … but we know the One who holds time in the palm of His hand.
We lack the power to change the circumstances we are in … but we know the One who has power over life and death.
We cannot be with these precious people who we love and cherish … but we know the One who is ever-present.
Please join with me and our family and friends in prayer for Greer and her momma and daddy – Dawn and Greg. I’m posting updates as we receive them on Facebook and will share with them all your words of encouragement and prayer.
I cannot even imagine. Thinking & praying for your entire family and healing on her little body & heart!
praying sweet friend – praying !!
Stef – Layton Family Joy recently posted…Have You Heard relevant11
I am so sorry TeriLynne! I know first hand how hard it is to be that far away from your family, especially during times like this. You are all in my thoughts and in my fervent prayers!
Ah, I’m so sorry Teri Lynne. I’ll be praying for Greer and her mom and dad, and for you too!
We’re praying for you all. I talked with your Mom and asked how close the two sweet cousins were. She said, “Very close. Sister close.” I’ll be praying about that, too. So hard for young ones to understand, but thankful that God is close by to offer comfort. Annie
Annie Joy recently posted…Girl Scout Cookie Season- A Poem from PePaw
In our hearts, minds and lips as we speak to the Father.
Drive carefully Scott, remember you have precious cargo.
All of you are on our prayer chain….and these folks know about prayer.
You are sincerely and surely and continually loved….Bigmama
I pray she is healed. Love to your family!
Stacy @ Delighting in the Days recently posted…Pregnancy Superfoods e-book Giveaway not just for pregnant mamas
Julia and Greer are in class together. We are praying with all of our hearts for Greer. We love her and pray for God’s healing touch!!!!!!!
Praying for healing, comfort, wisdom, the right doctors to be involved, and strength. Thank you for sharing updates.
Caroline recently posted…Five Minute Friday- Five Years Ago
This is Gracyn’s story. Please, contact them, tell them you know me. They are a precious family who will greatly encourage your family’s heart.
Praying for God to move mountains on her behalf. He can. I have seen Him do this very thing.
Stacey recently posted…Grace Story – Lara Williams
Oh, my heart hurts for you, Friend. Praying for this precious child right now…
Praying for healing, peace, wisdom and courage.
will continue to pray for Greer, her mom and dad and your family. . . . .for healing of God’s special touch