Eleven years ago at 6:30 am, I was hooked up to an IV sitting happily in the maternity wing of Helen Keller Hospital in north Alabama. We’d arrived at the hospital around 6:00 am to begin the next chapter of our lives … parenting.
I was all smiles and welcoming hugs for the 50+ friends and family who wandered in and out of the room that sweet Thursday morning. As I noshed on ice chips and took pictures with various people, I was blissfully unaware of how much my heart would grow at 1:04 pm.
We had chosen not to find out the sex of our child so after a mere 24 minutes of pushing, Dr. Richmond said, “Say hello to your little girl!” Scott and I were both teary-eyed, as were most of the other people in the room.
We wondered why they let us bring this beautiful creature home … since we had no idea what to do with her! So, we watched her … all. the. time. We took pictures – rolls and rolls of film {remember that stuff?} – of her sleeping. We held her. We sang to her. We stared at her. And we were filled with awe … that God would grant us the honor of being parents to this precious little one.
Today, this sweet baby turns eleven. My heart hurts … in that way only a momma’s heart can. The years of her in our home are on the downhill slide. She’s growing up. And I’m filled with mixed emotions almost all the time.
She plops in the car every day after school filled with excitement about this and frustration over that … she shares her heart with me about the “girl drama” and I know how inadequate I am to guide her through these rocky places in life’s path.
I want that baby back … I know more now, I could do things better if I had another chance to start from the beginning. But, life moves fast … and being a mother is a constantly evolving practice. And so, I share with her from my successes and failures, from my heart … but most of all from His Word.
Happy birthday to the girl! I love you and I am immeasurably thankful for the great gift of being your Momma.
What a gift! Have a great day celebrating!!!
Stacey recently posted…Delicious Bookmarks – Community
Thank you, Stacey!
So bitter sweet to have our children grow up. Happy Birthday to the girl!
Stephanie recently posted…Valentines t-shirts 2011
I know … thank you, Stephanie.
And what a good Momma you are! It has been such a joy to be able to watch you with her over the past few years. Love you and love that Girl!
Thank you, Molli!
You are so right about how time flies, there is so much we didn’t know but now do. Ahhh, if only we had the chance to change our mistakes but we don’t, we learn and we go on. You and Scott have done an amazing job bringing up this sweet Godly young lady. I too miss that baby girl, the one who toddled around in diapers and high heels with beads around her neck!
O.K. you made me cry!! What a beautiful young lady!! It does go so fast…..my baby is having a baby!
How is that possible. I still see her as that 11 year old girl. 🙂
Thank you, Cyndi … and I know that these days pass by so quickly!!
I just got back from my study group doing the book “Five Conversations to Have With Your Daughter” by Vicki Courtney. A great one for this time in your life! We all talked and prayed over exactly what you shared … the growing up of our girls. 🙂
Julie@comehaveapeace recently posted…Love Before Sight
I love that book!! So good.
Happy birthday, C!!
I keep thinking to myself “50+ people!?” Ha! NP and I hid away by ourselves for all three of our kids’ births. I’m not a fan of having an audience. LOL 🙂
Kristi Stephens recently posted…How we love our lists
Well, this is what happens when your husband is on staff at a church and your mother-in-law works at the hospital where you deliver and it’s the first grandchild and you’re in your hometown … They were not all in there when I delivered though. Just the the two of us and the doctors, nurses and a team of student nurses. Craziness!
And, if your good fortue continues, you will be with she and her “prince” as they give you a beautiful GRANDchild. She is so beautiful-not only on the ouside, but her heart is beautiful. That doesn’t just happen. She is the result of parents who are following God’s will. What a blessing!!
Thank you, Mrs. Judy! You are such a blessing to our family … and we are glad you are one of her “adopted grandparents”!
I understand completely. My Guinea Pig, er, um, I mean oldest child, will be 15 this summer. Where does the time go…
I hear you – my son is 11! Happy Birthday to your daughter and hope you all are having a fabulous time celebrating on your trip!!
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