Last night my husband and I watched (sort of) Avatar. After watching, he commented on Facebook that while it wasn’t one of his favorite movies, he felt like he needed to go outside and hug a tree. Though he was being sarcastic, his statement made me think …
When was the last time I was caught up in the wonder of God’s creation?
Richard Foster’s sixth controlling principle of the discipline of simplicity points to this idea:
Develop a deeper appreciation for the creation.
My daughter and I routinely discuss the beauty of the clouds on our way to school and the glory of a sunrise over the water as we cross the bridge heading home from dance in the evenings. She is captivated by animals and birds and bugs. We all three love the colors of fall and the fragrance of honeysuckle.
In Celebration of Discipline, Foster states:
Simplicity means to discover once again that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” (Psalm 24:1). (93)
So today, whether you’re covered in a blanket of fresh snow or basking in spring-like temperatures, take a moment to bask in the creation … and to praise the Creator.
How do you cultivate an appreciation for nature in yourself?
Other posts on simplicity:
Thanks for the reminder to slow down, look around, and praise the Creator!
Sandra recently posted…Roots of Love
This act of praising the Creator does require us to slow down and take notice and SEE His handiwork! Your girl and her love for little creatures made me smile. I think she’d have a lot of fun with my girls!
Nikki recently posted…My Teaching Assistant
She would love your girls! Maybe we can manage to get them together at some point.
I have an almost child-like fascination with clouds, rainbows, and stars. When I was on summer missions in Australia, I saw a rainbow nearly every day, and they grow ’em bigger down there! I promise they looked twice as huge! It made my heart happy, and it wasn’t just the rainbows. Tasmania is a rural part of Australia, with only a few big cities (nothing like Sydney or Melbourne), and once you’re out in the bush (country) where there are no street lights, OH. MY. WORD. The stars! We went to a Bible study one night to a house out in the middle of nowhere, and when I got out of the car I gasped. The stars seemed so close they were like a blanket I felt like I could reach out and touch. It brought me to tears. I haven’t ever seen stars like that in the states, no matter how rural the area.
Oh, and I also love the beach, and shells, and birds, and nests…Okay I’ll shut up now. ; )
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