There is just something about a rainy day that requires comfort food. A favorite stew, maybe a soup or chowder, perhaps a simple crock-pot dish or even a chicken pot pie seems the necessary sustenance for a dreary, gray day.
Here in south Georgia we don’t have a real winter, but we do have lots of rainy days. And on days such as this there are a few foods we love to eat. In no particular order, here are our Top Ten Comfort Foods at Chez Underwood.
- Taco Soup
- Chicken and Dumplings
- Beef Stew
- Corn Chowder
- Vegetable Soup
- Chicken Stew
- Ham and Beans
- Chicken Pot Pie
- Chili
- Ice Cream … because it’s never, ever too cold or dreary for ice cream!! 🙂
Sometimes, though, it’s not the weather that is making the days gray. Gray days can come with the brightest sunshine and most celebratory occasions. And so, in addition to my comfort foods for my body, I have comfort food for my soul and mind … for as Christ said, “It has been written, man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God” {Matthew 4:4 AMP}.
I find such comfort in the Word of God … learning to treasure the sweet truths of His love and mercy and grace. This year, I’ve been using a devotion book by Sarah Young, Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence. Each day she has masterfully personalized the God-Words into private meditations on the boundless love He has for each of us.
Perhaps you have not yet settled on a devotion for this year, may I suggest Jesus Calling? Sarah has also written Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids for children ages 8 through 12. My daughter and I are slowly developing the habit of reading this comforting book each morning before she heads to school. {I say slowly because it has not been a smooth addition to our routine and with so many days out of school these past few weeks, we have not been as diligent as I would like.}
What about you? What’s your favorite comfort food?
Linking up with the lovely oh Amanda! this week.
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I love your post as it is raining so hard here in Portland, Oregon. I don’t want to leave my house but I must!
I made a bacon corn chowder yesterday and the family was happy and comforted!
I love the Jesus Calling devotional and am actually doing another giveaway on my blog…I have used it for the last two years and I continues to speak.
My sweet 7 year old Caleb brought his Jesus Calling book and Bible into me in bed this morning and it was a sweet time of reading the Word together…it is going slow for us as well but a blessing when it happens.
Have a blessed day!
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I think it’s very interesting that 3 of your comfort foods are on my menu for this week and next! : )
Probably my favorite comfort food is roast, potatoes, and carrots. Like Momma used to make it. Next is probably our homemade pizza. Oh, my heavens is our pizza good. I think the reason I love it so much is that all three of us have a part…Kiddo makes the dough, I do the sauce, and Sound Man does the toppings. That’s on our menu this week, too. : )
I gave Kiddo Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids for Christmas and he loves it. At 11, it’s just right for his age. That makes me happy, since I’ve been reading (off and on…doing B90Days takes up my quiet time!) the “grown up version,” too.
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