I have much.
Very much.
- A safe, clean home with electricity.
- A pantry and freezer well-stocked with nutritious food.
- A closet filled with clothes for any situation and season.
- A family who is healthy and has access to quality medical care.
In fact, based on my husband’s salary as Associate Pastor at our church, we are in the top 99% of the world’s wealthiest people.
Is it wrong to have much?
I don’t think so … I think it’s wrong to be had by much.
I look around at all I have and realize there have been times I would have traded every bit of it for the life of my husband … because really, my stuff isn’t worth that much to me.
I look around at all I have and realize that much of it has been handed down through family and friends – the best reducing, recycling, and reusing I can think of.
I look around at all I have and realize that I hold it all pretty loosely … the things I love and cherish are simply connections to people who are infinitely more valuable.
Yes, this year I cried as I pulled out the glass Christmas plates and mugs given to me three years ago by Nana Jo. I love those simple, beautiful things … but not more than I love sharing the story of her generous heart with others.
Yes, I got a little weepy when I pulled out the handpainted ornament that said Roatan, Honduras. I love that ornament … but I wept because it reminded me of what a privilege it is to share HIS love with others.
And yes, I gently placed the Christ Child in the manger in my nativity set as the lump in my throat grew. I love my Nativity … but I was left immobilized by the truth of a Wrapped-in-Flesh God, the I AM become “God with us.”
I have much … tangible, visual, beautiful, cherished … much.
But all of that seems very little when placed next to the much I have in Him … eternal, unspeakable, undeserved, inexplicable … much.
The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one–of–a–kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish. John 1:14 MSG
May we always remember we have much.
Good thoughts, TeriLynne.
I don’t have high quality health care, but God has been my physician for many years and I am thankful to not be ill. I don’t live in a ‘real house’ but what I do have, I own. I don’t live on my own land,but in America no one really ‘owns’ their land free and clear..the gov’t always has a foot in the door somewhere. I don’t have steak for dinner every night or even each week (unless I find a REALLY good sale) but chicken can taste just as delicious because God gifted me with cooking. 😉 To some people, I have a lot. To others, I don’t. But to me, I have just what I need..although I would like to live in a different area of the country..and I’m praying for that. But hey ….we have pretty blogs don’t we? ;O)
Sisterlisa recently posted…Black Friday Shopping Tips
It’s very easy to get wrapped up in what we don’t have (and boy, my list gets long sometimes), but the truth is, I have everything!
Good reminder.
Carrie recently posted…Confession- I dont like Christmas music!
That is beautiful Teri Lynn!