Blessed are those with a tender conscience, but the stubborn are headed for trouble. Proverbs 28:14
OUCH! This is so me … stubborn and in trouble.
Lord, grand me a tender conscience that the burden of my sin be lightened through faithful confession.
My prayer for a tender conscience continues. A few months ago I read this quote by Spurgeon and it has been etched in my mind … a reminder of my need for confession.
“Our greatest need is mercy for our greatest issue is sin.” ~ C. H. Spurgeon
Do you long for a tender conscience, achieved through faithful confession?
Living in the construction zone,
Oh the truth in this verse! How many times has my stubborn heart gotten me in trouble?!
I had to confess something to someone before Relevant because I just couldn't stand the conviction! I pray I always have a "tender conscience" so that I stay clean (and humble!) before the Lord…not that I always listen to that still small voice!