April 3, 2009
Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:6 NLT
HIS will … in ALL I do. Not just when I’m wondering or wandering. Always, all things. It’s so easy to do what “feels right” and not seek Him when things are going smoothly. How often do I fail to ask if what I’m doing is still His will for me? The curse of complacency … of easy.
Lord, forgive me for taking the easy way out so often. For not being faithful to seek Your will in ALL I do. As I consider this new blog and what it could be, direct my path. Show me every step and give me wisdom. ~ Amen.
“This new blog” … yeah, that’s THIS blog! Pleasing to You was birthed out of my prayers for what God was calling me to do … how He was leading me to minister to women and encourage others. Odd, isn’t it … that a mere 18 months later I’m on the verge of a new step of faith in this writing/blogging/ministry journey. My new blog will launch on November 1st! I’m so excited … and cannot wait to share more details with you. {Good reason to stop by every day this month! You never know when you’ll get a little taste of what’s ahead.}
How have you experienced God directing your paths?
Living in the construction zone,
I can't wait to see your new blog! I know it will be exactly what God intends for you to do. I have seen Him working in my life to send me to Guatemala to help malnutritioned babies. I just applied for my first passport at the age of 50. He is an awesome God who is showing me that the pain of my past has lead me here, and now I can let it go.
So excited to see how He'll continue to use you!! Happy Birthday by the way! Hope you're having a special day!! =)