Construction Zone: Purpose

Under Construction
October 19, 2005

You can make many plans but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.  Proverbs 19:21

Lord, keep this truth always before me. I get so busy planning that I fail to seek You and what You purpose for my life.  Help me, Lord, to plan within Your purpose.


So many of the dreams and plans I made five years ago have come to fruition … but not because of me, only because of Him.  Over time I’ve learned to lay those dreams and hopes, plans and desires, down before Him … trusting that His will and purpose for my life is far beyond what I could plan or purpose on my own.

How has God revealed His purpose in your life?

Living in the construction zone,

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Hey friend. Its been a few months so I have some catching up to do but I am loving your Construction Zone posts and I'm also loving the profile picture.

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