Construction Zone: His Wife

Under Construction
November 5, 2003
Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you.  Rejoice in the wife of your youth. Proverbs 5:18
This verse always catches me!  Lord, too often I fail to be a “fountain of blessing” to Scott.  Open my eyes and my heart to opportunities to bless him – let me be his biggest fan, his most loyal supporter, and his most comforting companion.  ~ Amen

I am amazed at the way God answered this prayer … Seven months later Scott developed a life-threatening blood disorder and opportunities to bless him, to care for him, to cherish him were abundant.  Over the past six and a half years since he was diagnosed, I’ve sat in countless hospital rooms and cried more tears than I could ever count.  I’ve driven him to the hospital just days before Christmas to find he had bleeding on his brain.   I’ve held his hand and begged the Lord to let me keep him while he spent seven days on life support.

I am his biggest fan (He wrote me a song for goodness sakes!).  I am his most loyal supporter.  And when life is good and when everything is scary and uncertain, I am his companion and the one who would lay down her own life for him.

What prayers has God answered in unexpected ways in your life?

Living in the construction zone,

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. Just wanted to hop over and say hi this morning. I saw your tweet.. what Bible Study are you doing? I love ladies Bible studies! We're doing Kelly Minter's RUTH – loss, love & legacy right now.

    You are so brilliant for doing Construction Zone posts while you're waiting for your new stuff!

    I'm watching and learning oh wise one!

    Have a great day!

  2. It's such a testimony that you can look back on Scott's health struggles and instead of being resentful, you are able to praise God for the lessons you learned. I also pray that I can be a fountain blessing for my husband.

  3. Penny, my husband teaches our senior adult Bible study on Tuesday mornings so I attend that. I love it! What a true joy to be around 20 or so senior adults who love to spend time in the Word of God. We are going through the Psalms right now … today we did Psalm 74.

  4. Sandra, well, I have to say there have been moments when I have not been as willing to praise … but on the whole, God has given me a life I never dreamed possible so it seems very UNthankful to do anything but give Him honor.

  5. What a beautiful reminder! It cannot be easy to "decide" to take that attitude all of the time, but what you've shown is that is possible to make that decision and not be a victim of circumstances.

    You have spoken to my heart today.

  6. Thanks, Kelly! I confess there are days when I don't "feel" as strongly about all of it … but even then, I do choose to place my hope in all things in the Word of God and in His character.

  7. Girl – you are makin' me cry here! What a wonderful testimony! I do pray that I can do better for my wonderful husband! Hugs!

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