Construction Zone: Failure

September 13, 2006

Well, it’s 3:33 pm …. I feel like my day has not been under control.  Lord, I am sorry for not getting up early this morning … for being lazy.


Today, I want to encourage you by saying, “Don’t give up!”  Some days are simply out of control … some days we don’t get up early …. some days we are lazy … and some days it is way past 3:33 pm when we finally make a moment for a short prayer that simply says, “Lord, I’m sorry.”

But this I have learned, it’s not what time we get up, how much we read or study or memorize, or how disciplined our life is … it’s all about our hearts.   I read Joel 2:12 this morning:

“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart …”

It doesn’t matter what you did yesterday or what you’ll do today or what you have planned for tomorrow.  Your heart is what He is after … not your actions or your plans. Those things will follow, of course, but God’s concern is your heart.

So give yourself grace when you have a day or week or even a month when life spins around in chaos and you lose your focus and get out of the habit of time in the Word … because He loves you!  Joel 2:13 reminds us he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.  Don’t despair or beat yourself up … just return to Him with all your heart.

Living in the construction zone,

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. It's as if you were sitting in my kitchen and talking right to me! (Don't I wish)

    The Littles and I needed this mid-fall-school-crazies encouragement today. I can't wait to read them Joel 2:13 tonight. Perfect medicine for us.

    Just what the High Priest ordered! Thank you, friend!

  2. I also needed this today. I slept one hour past my alarm, and I feel overwhelmed and behind. I decided to grab my cup of coffee and come to your site, and I truly am thankful I did.
    See you next week!

  3. Seems we all need that sweet reminder that His love is bigger than any failure in our lives. What a powerful truth!!

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