Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven and say: “We have sinned and rebelled and you have not forgiven.” ~ Lamentations 3:41 – 42
One of my greatest fears is that I will lose sight of the sovereignty of God. I pray that I will always be aware of His holiness, His power, His might … for as we lose sight of those things of WHO He is … we easily forget how deep our need for Him really is.
God’s choice is to forgive … it is not His obligation. We are not owed the mercy He offers nor can we merit the grace He bestows.
As we continue to prepare our hearts for Easter celebration, I believe it is necessary for us to stop and recognize the majesty and sovereignty of our God. He whose name is, “I AM.”
I urge you to take time today to read Job 38 – 42. Allow God to remind you, as He did Job, of His greatness … and as you read, be humbled that this God of all creation longs to call you His own. That in His sovereignty, He willingly offers us relationship.
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