Whatever You Do

Welcome to Day 23 of 31 Ways to Embrace Lopsided Living!

On Sundays we are meditating on a verse that encourages us in our Lopsided Living pursuit.  Today’s verse is one I am leaning into a lot lately.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23


Whatever you do, whatever situation you are in ... lean into Him. Trust His plans and purpose. Make Christ your focus and your aim.

You should probably know this about me: I’m a perfectionist and a people-pleaser. I also have a low threshold for managing stress and dealing with change. Basically, I like to make a plan and for everyone to happily follow along with my plan all the while thinking I am the most amazing person for coming up with said plan.

Yesterday felt like a Jenga tower when someone pulls out the wrong piece and it all falls apart. To be fair, no one ever means to take out the Jenga piece that makes it fall down and the same is true in my life — it wasn’t anything intentional by any one. It just happened and there I was sobbing and with a headache because the plan I had for the day had fallen apart in almost every way.

As I sat down to write this post, I was reminded, again, how very faithful our God is and how sovereign He is in every detail of my life.  Weeks ago when I began praying through this series and planning each day’s post, the Lord led me to Colossians 3:23 as the verse to share today.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men. Colossians 3:23

A reminder I desperately needed. Because, sometimes, y’all, in my desire to make sure everyone is happy and everything goes according to plan, I forget that whatever I do needs to be focused on Him.  My goal isn’t to please others, it’s to please the Lord (Psalm 19:11).  My plans are never better laid than His (Proverbs 16:9). He hasn’t called me to be perfect, He is asking me to trust Him to perfect me (Philippians 1:6). And, as my friend Sandra reminded me, if I was able to bring perfect peace to every situation in my life, others wouldn’t look to Christ, the true Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6, John 16:33).

Today, this is what I want you to know — you can rest in Him! That’s our simple way for today —


Whatever you do, whatever situation you are in … lean into Him. Trust His plans and purpose. Make Christ your focus and your aim.

Whatever you do, keep your focus on Christ! #LopsidedLiving Share on X

Living lopsided,

Teri Lynne

Yesterday’s post: Try Something New

Coming tomorrow: People are the priority.

Index to every post in this series here.

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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