What if … We Embrace Good Enough

Hi all! I’m excited about today’s post in the “What if … 10 ways to live well in today’s world series. I think it’s one that will both challenge and encourage all of us in the pursuit of the abundant life Christ offers.

What if … we embrace good enough?

what if we embrace good enough?

In March, I wrote about coping during the busy weeks. One of the important points I addressed is to know when good enough really is enough. I think we find that easier to do when life is hectic or crashing down around us. Just like it is often okay to do something instead of everything, we must also be willing to embrace good enough.

In the interest of full disclosure, I’ve been telling women for years how important it is to choose best over good. And I still believe that wholeheartedly. But here’s another truth I’m learning … sometimes good enough IS best.

The simple truth is: sometimes good enough really is enough. http://wp.me/p3aJPA-22R Share on X

Let’s face it, we can’t be the best at everything we do. Nor can we give our best to every situation or activity we are involved in. It isn’t possible. Not only that, some things really don’t need our best — they just need to be done.

Paul knew this very real struggle with wanting to do it all and do it all perfectly. In fact, I imagine he {and Martha of Bethany} were a lot like many of us — perfectionists, Type A, and possibly a little compulsive. We don’t have a low gear and we feel like if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing perfectly.

And just like Paul, we will have to learn a hard lesson about ourselves:

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

2 Corinthians 12:9

We all have weaknesses. We can’t do it all … and we can’t do it all perfectly all the time. It’s impossible. But that is good news! Because in all of the stuff we struggle with and all the times we feel inadequate and all the moments when we know we are not enough, He is there waiting for us to lean into Him and allow Him to work through and in us.

What if we embraced good enough and recognized sometimes good enough is best.

So, how do we know when good enough is enough?

Here are three questions I’ve found useful in helping me decide when good enough is enough.

1. What is the consequence if I choose good enough? For example, when I clean my kitchen tonight, if I just do the bare minimum what impact will that have? Absolutely none. That means if I get the dishes in the dishwasher and wipe down the counters, I can be satisfied and  call it good enough.

2. What is the difference between good enough and best? Here’s what I’m learning, sometimes {most of the time?} the difference isn’t significant to warrant the effort and stress.  Good enough is brownies from a box … and honestly, I’m okay with that. {But I do always make chocolate chip cookies from scratch.}

3. What is in the best interest of the people I love the most? After several conversations with my husband over the years, I’ve found that many of those things I feel like I need to give my best to for the sake of our marriage are not the things that matter most to him. The same is true with my daughter. The people I love the most are better served by my presence WITH them than by the things I try to do FOR them.

The people I love are better served by my presence WITH them than by the things I try to do FOR them. http://wp.me/p3aJPA-22R Share on X

Learning to embrace good enough is hard. No joke. But I’m learning that there are many times when good enough is the “best” that enables me to live abundantly.


Teri Lynne

What is an area of your life where good enough is enough?

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!

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