A Letter to the Ones Who Will Skip Church on Mother’s Day

a letter to the ones who will skip church on Mother's DayYou’re already dreading it. It feels like too much to ask. I get it. I’ve been there. All I could think about from May 1st was my desire to skip church on Mother’s Day. For several years the second Sunday in May was the hardest day of the year for me. More than once, I didn’t want to go to church. More than once, I wouldn’t have if my husband wasn’t in ministry.

I want you to know something—it’s okay to stay home and mourn the child you are missing.

It's okay if you decide to stay home on #MothersDay and mourn the child you are missing. http://wp.me/p3aJPA-1Yb Share on X

Maybe you’ve longed to hold a baby in your arms and ache with hurt of seeing that negative pregnancy test every month. Hold fast to this verse …

You have kept count of my tossings,
put my tears in Your bottle.
Are they not in Your book?
Psalm 56:8

God knows the sleepless nights and sees the tear stains on your pillow. Not one tear escapes His watchful care … each one captured by His tenderness.

It's okay to stay home and mourn the child you are missing. {for the ones who will skip church on Mother's Day}

Maybe you’ve had to experience the unthinkable — burying your own child. Oh friend, my heart aches for you. But your Heavenly Father knows what it is to watch your child suffer and die. He knows the depths of your pain. He hurts for your sorrow.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18

No matter what, no matter how deep your sorrow, how broken your heart … He is the God who loves you and cares for you. And if you chose to stay home from church on Sunday, if you just can’t make yourself go, if you just don’t even want to try—He isn’t disappointed in you, you are not letting God down. He’s there with you … counting your tears and drawing near to you.

My prayer for you:

O Lord, the One Who hears our cries, Who sees our sorrow, Who knows our pain, I pray You will draw near to the brokenhearted and give comfort to those who are weary. May Your tenderness cover the wounds of their hearts and Your grace hold them through the storm of emotions they face.

But most of all, Lord, my prayer is that You will drawn near to those aching with empty arms and bursting with love to give. May they feel Your presence and Your comfort. And know the steadfast love You lavish upon them, especially today.

In Jesus’ name,

So, stay home … on the couch, in your pajamas, and cry if that’s what you need. Just know, even in your sorrow you are never alone, never unseen, and never unloved.

Wishing I could give you a hug through the screen,

Teri Lynne

A letter to the ones who will skip church on #MothersDay. http://wp.me/p3aJPA-1Yb Share on X

image source: canstockphoto.com

Read the Psalms this summer with Scripture Dig!


  1. My husband and I discussed church today, yesterday. I decided I would go play piano at assisted living home, then come home spend day alone with him. Thank you for prayer and kind words. I know that I am never alone.

  2. …and those who had perfect little ones, but who have gone astray and are not active adults, while wishing also that your Grandchildren were being raised in the church. Thank you for this post. I have often fought back the tears.

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