Last month was so crazy and busy with big scary projects and lots of ball games. I have to be honest, I only got out of my yoga pants if I had to go to a ball game or to church. Please say you understand and that you have days {weeks, months??} where the same sort of thing happens to you.
The good news is, I still have photos to share with you because my sweet girl has such cute style … and I wanted to highlight some of her recent outfits. Sometimes it seems like all we hear is how immodestly and inappropriately teenage girls dress today. This is not intended to start an argument or debate — but the truth is, lots of girls are dressing very modestly and fighting a battle against a culture that tells them they are only as valuable as their looks and body shape. And so, welcome to WIWW teenage girl fashion edition!
Casiday is fourteen and a freshman at our local public high school. She is the captain of her JV cheer squad and isn’t a big fan of math. Her room is either perfectly clean or a total disaster. She loves watching the Duggars and “Big Bang Theory.” She is incredibly loving and helpful with James but she gets told at least once a day, “It isn’t what you said as much as it is how you said it.” I tell you all of this to say, she is a normal teenage girl.
I think she’s beautiful, of course. And I wish I’d had half as much style as she does when I was her age. {But honestly, in 1985 when I was 14, we all looked crazy!!}
And so, here are just a few of the cute outfits she has worn recently …
I love this one! Of course, it might be because it’s my girl with the daughter of one of my dearest friends. For my birthday last month, Casiday wanted us to go to the Francesca Battistelli concert. It was so much fun to do that with her … and to get to see my precious friend Kate as well. Casiday loves Franny’s music. Have you heard her newest CD? Oh my gosh — SO GOOD!! I especially love this video for “He Knows My Name” … definitely you should go watch it!
And, game day style! Check out all those bags. No wonder she’s exhausted when she gets home every day. Walking to class is a strength workout. Ha!
Here are few other recent pictures. First for ‘Merica Day during Homecoming week — how cute is that look? The middle picture is Casiday and her youth pastor’s wife. Emma looks like a teenager herself, doesn’t she? On the right is one of those casual jeans and tee kind of days. 🙂
I took this photo earlier this week. Isn’t this the perfect look for autumn? I especially love the plaid scarf! Groopdealz graciously sent it to me and my girl quickly snatched it up. It’s a thick scarf with polka dots on the inside — super cute! It was under $20 including shipping. If you haven’t checked out Groopdealz, I highly recommend you do! Super cute products for you, your kids, and your home at great prices.
So, there you have it … cute and modest fashion is possible for teenagers! Now that I’ve looked through all these photos of my girl, I’m motivated to get out of my yoga pants and see what I can do with that cute scarf.
AND … the lovely Stacey Thacker has a great Pinterest board on this very topic! And, she’s awesomely invited me to pin to it as well … so, seriously, you should check it out!! How fun!!
Happy Wednesday!
Teri Lynne
So tell me, did you have this much style as a teenager??
Shop Groopdealz now!!
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Linking up with lots of other fashionable people at What I Wore Wednesday hosted by Lindsey of The Pleated Poppy!
Teri Lynne–I just love this whole post for so many reasons! Your girl is growing into a beautiful young woman who glows from the inside out. She is blessed to have you as her mama and I am blessed to call you friend! Hugs!!