I may have mentioned here {or on Facebook, I can’t remember because I’m over 40 and I have a teenager and my brain can only store so much data and that space it totally full with the due date for ads for the football program and asking people to save their empty toilet paper rolls so we can use them to make spirit sticks … because really, what says “Go Team!” like a toilet paper roll filled with candy? … now what was I saying ???} …
Pouring Rain
Oh yeah, it’s been raining here in North Alabama. It’s been raining here a lot. Like almost every day.
Now rain really doesn’t bother me because, let’s face it, I’m not really the kind of girl whose daily life activities are affected much by the weather. Seriously, I can watch The West Wing, eat ice cream, and troll Pinterest no matter what’s going on outside. But, today it didn’t just rain. It stormed. Lightning, thunder, the works.
Power Outages and Panicky Dogs
And while I really enjoy a good storm … my dog doesn’t. A 60-pound Basset hound who is shaking uncontrollably while laying across your body is only cute for a minute. After that, it’s just painful. Thirty minutes or so into the storm, the power went out.
Approximately 30 seconds later, my house was a sauna. Because, as I mentioned before, I’m over 40 and particularly affected by heat. In other words, when the power went out, the air conditioner obviously quit also and immediately — immediately, y’all! — my body temperature went up 15 degrees and I couldn’t breathe because there was no air circulating in this house. {Well, and also there was a 60-pound dog perched across my upper body. That might have also contributed to both the heat issue and the inability to breathe.}
After I gave the dog some Benedryl in an attempt to calm his nerves, I did what every sane person would do in that moment … filled my biggest Tervis Tumbler with ice and Pepsi and checked to see if there was enough battery left on my iPad to watch a movie. {There was!}
I snuggled into the huge comfy chair in my bedroom, opened the blinds to let in the light, and cracked the window enough to let in some fresh air but not enough to end up with soaked carpet. I started The Hunger Games and picked up a book. {Because really, the movie was just to provide enough noise to block out the dog’s panting and the girls in my house who had decided this was a great time to play “The Floor Is Lava” and were thus running through the house carefully stepping only on the safe path they’d created with random beach towels, pillowcases, and fleece throws. Summer time … }
At some point the power came back on and the dog moved from my side. I can’t really tell you when that happened. It was after Rue died but before Katniss left Peetah sleeping so she could get his medicine. {Yeah, I know, that might be construed as a spoiler but seriously, if you haven’t read the books or seen the movie by now, you probably are not going to.}
Proclaiming the Best Book of 2013
The reason I can’t really tell you how long the power was out or what was going on in the movie when the ceiling fan started circulating air again is because I was totally and completely immersed in what I am now referring to as “The Best Book I Have Read in 2013.”
Seriously, I read every word from the endorsements {by both Beth Moore and The Pioneer Woman … for real!} to the last words of the acknowledgements {lines from one of my favorite old hymns!}. I laughed, I cried, I nodded my head in agreement, I recalled my own similar stories, and I texted my Aunt Molli to tell her she needed to go buy this book TODAY.
Oh! What book is it? Just a collection of musings from the BooMama {and fellow Alabamian} Sophie Hudson entitled A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet: Southern Stories of Faith, Family, and Fifteen Pounds of Bacon. How cute is the cover of this book? Seriously! If you click on the cover image below it will take you straight to Amazon where you can go ahead and buy your own copy to enjoy. {Please note, the image is connected to my Amazon Associates account and I will receive a small commission if you purchase through it.}
I wasn’t one of the people who received a copy for review from the publisher … My husband bought it for me. He saw bacon in the subtitle and figured there was a pretty good chance I’d enjoy reading it. {Because bacon is a legitimate love language, people.} I love how that man knows me! I say that about buying my copy so you will know I am recommending this because I really believe it is a great book. Sophie is an incredible storyteller and she artfully weaves Scripture and biblical truth into her remembrances of family fun. You will finish this book feeling you have made a new friend and understanding a little bit more about how much God loves you.
The laundry is still not done. And the bathrooms are still not cleaned. But I read a fabulous book … and with that, I’m calling today a success!
Hi Teri! Visiting from Hope for the Weary Mom and Twitter! We have a dog that is petrified of storms…so petrified that in our last house she ate the dry wall around the door frame to get out of the house. We drug her whenever we hear thunder!
Recently I read “After the Boxes are Unpacked” by Susan Miller. It is a beautiful book about the process of moving and what women go through to establish their home, family, and new friendships. She talks about how God molds us and can rebuild our lives if we let Him.
P.S. It’s rained a lot here in Central OH too!!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who sedates my dog when it storms! 🙂
I need to look for that book. Sounds like one I would love!
Thanks for stopping by!!
No doggie/storm problems here. She always acts like she’s on prozac…well…unless you come to our front door. Then you fear the glass won’t hold her back.
Have you read The Little Way of Ruthie Leming? Oh my…moving (and for me disturbing) on so many levels. Pretty sure Rob Dreher spied on my life and stole some stuff for that book. Don’t read it if you’ve recently lost a loved one. I mistakenly read it the week after my son’s best friend died suddenly. That may have also played into why I sobbed (not just cried) at several places in the book…and you know me…I’m not usually that emotional.
We’ve had plenty of rain too. You know, those afternoon pop-up showers.
Southern Alabama has been getting all that rain as well! I completely understand. Esepcially on the day with no power, the pool filling up and God’s answer to my prayer about how to backwash the pool with no pump running was….”get a bucket”. 🙂 Good times 🙂
Your Aunt Molli purchased said book on Kindle immediately on your recommendation. Saving it for a weekend getaway soon! I know people who use ThunderShirts (http://www.thundershirt.com/) for their dogs and they swear by them. The last thing I read was a poster advertising an event at the church in the ladies’ room because that is just how my life has been! Oh, and your blog post 🙂 love you!!!
Oh boy I’m a sucker for a new book – and you’re right – this cover is so stinkin’ cute!!!! thanks for the inspiration for a quick read on how much God loves me 🙂
no dog – dying here in TX wanting rain 🙂 And I recently finished Jeff Goins’ In-Between and loved it!