Oh friend! I wish you were here next to me. This little note would be so much better as a long chat over yummy chocolate cheesecake and some really good coffee. I’ve been thinking about this topic often since I started writing these weekly letters for the weary moms. We can be a pitiful little sisterhood, you know? We’re frazzled and worn out. Sometimes we end up in a puddle of tears on the kitchen floor wondering if we’ll survive. I know … I’m there more often than I ever dreamed I would be.
If you were here, I’d remind you that you are seen and known. I’d lean in and look into your eyes to tell you with all kinds of hope and love that you are chosen as the mom for your sweet children. And I’d make sure to remind you, we will make it!!
But today, what I would really say is … Girl, I feel you!
I could give you the list of all the things we’ve been dealing with here at the Underwood abode but it really doesn’t matter. You’ve had your own busy days and exhausted nights. I know. We could swap horror stories and maybe even end up laughing a bit at our craziness. Lately it’s felt like life is asking more of me than what I have to give. My family needs more from me than what I can do. And, really, those things are true.
Sometimes, we have to give more than we have.
Sometimes, we have to do more than we can.
Sometimes, we have to push harder than we want.
Sometimes, we just have to dig in and do the work.
The Bible talks about this digging in.
Digging in grows our faith.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. {James 1:2-4}
Digging in is vital to the process of spiritual growth.
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfrutiful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. {2 Peter 1:5-8}
Digging in ultimately produces hope in our lives.
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. {Romans 5:3-4}
Isn’t that what we long for? Hope — the confident expectation of God’s work in us coming to completion. Reaching out for hope means we have to dig in when the days are long and the battles are fierce. So, you dig in, my friend! And I’ll dig in beside you. Because these babies of ours, they are worth it!
With love,
Teri Lynne

Teri Lynne, thank you for this. I’m not sure why I think motherhood should be easy. It’s just hard and we need to dig in and ask for grace, daily. So appreciate your words and encouragement. Blessings on your day!
Thank you, Jessica! Your words are grace-filled for me this morning too!!
Love 2 Peter 1:5-8! Thank you for sharing, I especially needed to read those verses right now. And I’m loving your Dear Weary Mom letters :-).
Oh Mary, thank YOU! These letters are helping me process so much as a mom … and I am glad they are encouraging others along the way!! Bless you, girl!!
Girl, you bless me so much. I went to pick a quote I liked best in this post and couldn’t because every. single. word. is just as important and hope-filled as the next. Thank you so much for encouraging my heart today. I really REALLY needed this. XO
Megan, YOU are a blessing to me! I’m thankful beyond words to have you in my life … and to serve with you on Team HOPE! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!! xo
“So, you dig in, my friend! And I’ll dig in beside you. Because these babies of ours, they are worth it!”
Thanks for your email, friend. And for digging in prayer with me!
Oh Stacey! I’m so thankful God brought us together long before we had teenagers, long before we had any idea how hard this mothering really can be, long before we had any idea how much we’d need each other … His preparation for these days in my life included you. For that, I’m grateful beyond words.
Praying with and for you!