This child? This girl all to quickly turning to woman? I look at her and she takes my breath away. She is funny. She is bright. She is the very best kind of friend. She loves big and lives big. She’s passionate and creative. She dances and she cheers. And every day I get to drive her to school and pick her up and listen to the stories of middle school boys who act like like middle school boys and middle school girls who act like middle school girls. At night she kisses me quick and says, “Love you.” And even on the days when her room is a disaster {which is really almost every day} and when she forgets to bring notes home from school and calls me to bring a sweatshirt to the drive-in because it’s cold … even then, I am overcome by the wonder that God has allowed me to be her mom.
But what if one day she was gone? What if one day she wasn’t in that car line, wasn’t waiting for me at the dance studio, wasn’t there when I stepped out on the porch to tell her supper is ready?
What would I do? What WOULDN’T I do?
Today, 27 million people are in slavery. Many of those sold for sex, sold to the highest bidder, sold time after time until all that remains is a shell. The girl in India who dreamed of raising babies … the girl in Alabama who wanted to live on a farm. The girls who run away because they can’t imagine life could get worse. The girls whose parents, looking around at too many mouth and not enough food, believe they have no choice.
I’ve spent years volunteering at crisis pregnancy centers, telling women and girls God can work hope and future from the uncertainty and fear they feel. I serve the uninsured in our community once a month, making sure they get the diabetic supplies and blood pressure medicines they need. I am thankful to be able to do those things, to serve in those ways.
But there is more … so much more I can do. Every month I remind people about the horrors of human trafficking and modern day slavery. I remind us all we can do something, we must do something. Sometimes we buy a bag to help free a woman in India. Sometimes we pray for those who are raiding brothels and bringing 89 to freedom. Sometimes we give money, sometimes we give time. But always, always, we must be aware. We must never think it isn’t happening near us, couldn’t happen to us, to someone we love.
I have a thirteen-year-old daughter. And I adore her. But so do mothers all over the world. Look at this woman in Mumbai, India, holding a photo of her daughter. She doesn’t love her girl less than I love own.
We all have a part in freedom’s story. As believers, we celebrate the freedom we have from the yoke of sin … but we must never rest in our own freedom spiritually and lose sight of those who are desperate for freedom literally. That’s why I blog for The Exodus Road. That’s why I carry and give FreeSet bags. That’s why I love the End It movement. Because it could be me holding a photo one day … longing to know my daughter was safe.
This week, Holley asked all of us God-sized dreamers to share about a nonprofit we support. There are many, many ways to connect your gifts and passions with organizations who are making a profound difference in the lives and needs around the world. You can read about many of them by checking out all the dreamers who have linked up with Holley this week. I urge you to do so.
We need to know … and we need to act. Because the needs are great and we can make a difference. Each of us, doing our part, can change the world!
I was first made aware of the issue of human slavery and trafficking within the US about 2 years ago and my heart was broken. However, I did nothing about. I didn’t know what or how to help. The need seemed so overwhelming. So I prayed. Since then the subject has come up more and more just in my daily life so I am spending some time to research what next step God is calling me to take. Thanks for making us all aware not only of the problem but also how we can help.
Amy, I know exactly what you mean! For me, it’s been about doing what I can when I can … sharing information, buying fair trade products, and educating myself and others. Thank you for being willing to get involved!