Last week my girl and I went to Missouri to spend Spring Break with my parents. We had a great time and I thoroughly enjoyed being unplugged for a few days. We came home Friday and spent Saturday at an Easter egg hunt with cousins. Sunday was a beautiful day of worship.
Monday I went to Birmingham to speak at the STRENGTH Conference. Such fun to share with small business owners how they can use social media more efficiently and more effectively. Today I had lunch with Kristi and Mitzi, two dear friends.
But after all the going and doing, I have to admit, it felt really good tonight to sit on the couch and ignore the laundry and dishes. I’m learning it will all be there tomorrow.
Instead, I combed out and braided the girl’s freshly-washed hair as we chatted about ways to style it for school tomorrow. More and more I’m understanding this isn’t the sort of thing that will always be there tomorrow. The days of her living in our home are coming to an end far more quickly than I’d like!
We did tricks with Buddy. And then laughed as he got settled in his spot on the couch. Amazing, isn’t it, how our pets bring such joy to life?
It was all very ordinary. But after the busy-ness of March filled with cheerleading try-outs (yay for my girl who is now an RMS Cheerleader for 2013-2014!) and speaking for A Woman Inspired’s conference and all the day-t0-day stuff that makes up the life of a pastor’s wife/work at home mom, tonight was the best kind of mundane: the beautiful ordinary!
You said it, Sister. I loved the beautiful ordinary: the dishes in the sink, the time with daughters and son (went too fast), and pets. Things are kind of quiet in the evenings with my hubby and me, unless our daughters visit and we have a pile of grandkids here. But that’s OK too. And we do have our love-dog (she’s a lab and thinks she is a lap dog). The Queen, our cat, she left us in December after 17 and a half years of knowing her territory. And she did put up with the dog. Ok. not my time here — it’s yours. You just got me to thinking, and I enjoyed the picture of the dishes in the sink. I am so glad to know I am not the only one that does that. ( )
Well said Teri Lynne. I love my ordinary Friday evenings. The week has ended, it’s pay day, my favorite show comes on TV and time with the grandson. The house is quiet (at least once he’s in bed). I enjoy doing the laundry and some cleaning. I have much needed quiet time with God. What I don’t get to on those night, just waits till I get around to it. I’ve become a bit of a hermit on Friday at 6pm and love it.