Okay, I’m just going to be honest, part of the reason I wanted to do this series was because I feel like there are so many incredible writers who are impacting their communities and homes and doing amazing things online … but sometimes they {we?} don’t get noticed. With 700-ish series linking up the October 31 Days challenge, it is inevitable that at least a few will get lost.
So I am spending time going through link by link, hunting up the goodies that speak to my heart … and if you frequent this little corner of the internet often, will likely speak to yours as well.
Which leads me to a series I am absolutely thrilled to have found:
I’d never visited Gabby or The Local Honey. But when I saw her title, my heart jumped! To practice being present … yes, that’s a 31-day challenge I need. She says,
For the next 31 days I will make an effort to be present in my life. By this I mean, everyday I will give 100% in something. I will not multitask every moment, I will be absolutely present and focused.
What a beautiful testimony! Stop by and visit Gabby … her site is lovely and I’m sure as I plunder through her archives, I’ll find more that will captivate my attention. Isn’t this the best part of October—finding new favorite places!
You can keep up with all the goodies I’m finding on the index page for 31 Days of #Must Read 31 Days Series.
What a great idea:)) Love it!
Stefanie Brown recently posted…31 Quotes in 31 Days :: Day 2 ~ Give…