This one is for all my book-loving friends!
Amy is a middle-school librarian with four children (including a 7th grade daughter like I have) so she is “in the know” on the topic of young adult fiction. I’m excited about her series and can’t wait to add to my list of books to read and share with my daughter.
So, this week’s All Things Bookish post is actually an invitation from me for you to join me at Amy’s place this month for some fabulous book recommendations. Check out 31 Days of Young Adult Books You’ll Love Too—it’s sure to be fantastic!
Don’t forget, every afternoon I’ll be sharing a 31 Days series you may have missed. This ought to be fun, right?
And if you want to suggest one I might not have seen, please feel free to do so!!
Hey, friend. So incredibly honored to be featured here today. Here’s to hoping I don’t disappoint and you end up with some great new titles. I’m also LOVING your series—so, so helpful for those of us short on time to not have to weed through zillions of links! Thanks for making my day. <3
I was trying to decide if I wanted to do this or not … and honestly leaning toward not … when I saw your series. And then I knew I had to go ahead and take the leap!
Well, I am SO glad you did!
Amy in Wanderland recently posted…A LONG WAY FROM CHICAGO by Richard Peck