I’m getting a makeover around here … it’s coming soon (like next week! Squee!!). I’ve got a great designer who is also an amazing boss and fantabulous friend (and co-author). She’s helped me sort through some big changes I’ve been wanting to make for quite awhile. So, while all the details of fonts and plug-ins are being finalized, I thought I’d share about who I’m writing to when I sit down on my couch to peck away on the keyboard of my 13″ inch MacBook Pro (which, by the way, I’m still not sure I love).
I’m writing to the wife who really loves her husband and wants to know how to encourage him in his job and hobbies and as a father and spiritual leader in their home. And I’m writing to the woman whose marriage looks nothing like she expected, the one who is struggling to make it through each day and wonders how she ended up married to a man she no longer likes. (Because the truth is, we’ve probably all been or will be on either extreme and most days we find ourselves somewhere in the middle.)
I’m writing to the mom who puts her kids on a bus to head to public school, thankful for the way her children thrive there. The mom who prays with her children and for their friends and teachers, who brings cupcakes for class parties and drives gaggles of giggling girls or sweaty boys to ball games and midnight movie premiers. I’m writing to the mom whose kids love their private school but who wonders how the baby she brought home yesterday is trying on a cap and gown for his high school graduation. I’m writing to the mom who homeschools and stares in awe at her daughter’s poise and grace and whispers words of gratitude to the God who made her so amazing. (Because when it boils down to it, we are our children’s first teachers and primary teachers … no matter where they learn reading, writing, and arithmetic.)
I’m writing to the woman who loves her job and is thankful for the opportunities her working has given her family. I’m writing to the mom who hates to cook and budgets for eating out several times a week. I’m writing to the mom who works from home with the dining room table serving double duty as a desk. I’m writing to the mom who stays home with her children … but longs for adult conversation sometimes. (Because that old cliche is true: Every mom is a working mom.)
I’m writing to the woman who feels unheard, unimportant, and unnecessary. And I’m writing to the woman who has a big, beautiful life and cherishes every minute of it. I’m writing to the woman who pursues her dreams and teaches her children to be dream chasers too. I’m writing to the woman who hasn’t gotten a new outfit since she had kids. And I’m writing for the woman who thrills at every new bargain she grabs from TJ Maxx. (Because each one is beautiful and valuable and vital! Even when we don’t feel very vibrant or necessary.)
I’m writing to those who have laundry piled high and dishes in the sinks, to the ones who would die if someone stopped by unexpectedly, and who never have a plan for supper. And I’m writing to the ones whose homes are organized and efficient and who bake cookies every afternoon. (Because, again, most of us are somewhere in between.)
I’m writing to the “I never miss my quiet time” crowd and to the ones who read last month’s issue of Journey while they fix lunches and check backpacks and load kids into the car during morning rush hour. (Because there’s no such thing as a perfect quiet time anyway … so make yours great as best you can.)
I’m writing to the real women I know … the ones who like fried pickles and funnel cakes, who watch Grey’s Anatomy, and who can’t remember the last time they flipped their mattresses. (Because, seriously, what is better than the occasional binge of fair food??)
I’m writing to women like me ... who wake up every morning and think, “Already?” But pull themselves from their warm beds to start another day of living life the best way they know how. We’re a mess, most of us. But we love to laugh and read a good book and have a date night with our husbands and watch our children grow into the people God created them to be.
Thanks for writing to me friend.
Stacey recently posted…What is Better than Hope?
Always … and your words always seem handcrafted for my heart as well.
This was just beautiful! I wish I could meet you and just talk about writing and pick your brain for all kinds of good tips! : ) Looking forward to seeing those changes you’re implementing, although I love what you have going already!
Thank you, Amy! Maybe someday … 🙂
There is something softly sweet about this post. It just really touched me today as I read it. It is like you “get” us. You don’t really know all of us – those who read and are moved by your posts (sometimes just moved in the heart, sometimes moved to action). Yet, you know enough to be able to reach out across the networks and through the internet wires from the keys of your MacBook Pro (which hasn’t yet earned your loyalty – :-)).
Thank you for using what God has given you to (the talent and the desire) to spread encouragement and spur us on in this journey. Hope your weekend is wonderful. It looks like we will be having great weather here in East Tennessee – probably our last weekend of summer-like temps.
Oh LeAnn, thank you! I hope everyone feels that same way … I do “get” it … I’m living it too!
I have been encouraged by your words for so long. I feel like you’ve always written for ME! I love the sense of community you’ve created and how the Lord continues to work through you so He can meet all of us right where we are. Does it make me crazy if I’m every one of those women you described? xoxo
I am every one of them too … that’s probably how we know them so well!! LOL I love you, girl, and the way you constantly encourage and pour into my life. Your friendship is sheer gold!! xoxo
Thank you for this, Teri Lynne! I knew you ‘wrote to me’ a long time ago, and I appreciated this post so very much.
anna {girlwithblog} recently posted…on things i haven’t told you yet
Oh Anna … so glad to count you a blogging friend and to have had the great gift of meeting you in real life as well.
Hey – that’s me! 😀 Love your words and your encouragement! Looking forward to your exciting changes! Hugs!
Lisa @ Stop and Smell the Chocolates recently posted…My September Sponsor
Oh Lisa! In blogging years, we’ve been friends our whole lives! So thankful to have your voice of encouragement whispering in my ear …
It is wonderful how generational differences disappear with Christian sisters — well, with many Christian sisters. I love reading your blog, and I can identify with several of the things you mentioned in this post, even though I have lived through some of that and survived! But then, God allows us to learn more lessons in life, and we live through all the messes, joys, sorrows, and more joy. I would have enjoyed having blogs to read when my kids were growing up, but God always had friends and role models around, so things worked out. And spending time in His Word, praying, and worshiping was the best! Thank you for being an Encourager. I think that is one of your spiritual gifts.
So true, Deborah! I’ve been blessed to have many mentors in my life who have spoken encouragement and challenge into my often-weary, often-worrying heart. Thank you for leaving your kind comment. I appreciate your words of encouragement to me.
I love you. I have been many of these women at one time or another in my years of being a wife and mom and in the ministry……………love you! I know we keep saying we’ll skype, but we should set a day and time—this time zone difference thing is just one more hurdle! 🙂
Oh Pattie … I’m so thankful for the internet and its amazing way of reconnecting us time and again. Your friendship is precious to me. Your encouragement has OFTEN been the impetus to keep me steady on this journey of writing. So thankful for you. Love you too!
Your site is lovely, and easy to navigate, too!
As others have said, these moms are all part of who we are. Your writing is very encouraging!
Kim recently posted…You are a Writer
Terri Lynn, you are (for sure) wrting to me! Ha! So glad I found your blog through the Allume link up. Glad to be going and hope to meet you!
I just found your blog through the Allume link-up, but we’ve been emailing through Design By Insight. 🙂 And I’m glad to say that you’re writing to me! Loved the post and how you made everyone feel welcome! Hope to meet you next month.